Krećemo ponovo sa turnirima u Crvićima.
Prvi turnir u novoj godini u nedelju 14.01. od 18h. Nadamo se da ste se uželeli 🙂 Biće i par novih stvari..
Prijave u inbox ili na licu mesta (ukoliko ostane mesta)
Za sve vas koji ste već učestvovali pravila koja slede možete i da preskočite.
Pravila turnira:
Svaki takmičar kreira svoj tim, igra se po default pravilima sa svim standardnim oružjem + veći broj potencijalnih kutija sa oružjem. Select worm se ne koristi! Potez se igra na 30 sec.
U kvalifikacionim grupama igra se samo jedna partija, u finalu na dve pobede.
Broj učesnika u grupama i broj grupa zavisi od broja prijavljenih ekipa!
Pobedniku turnira je sve što popije do kraja turnira na račun kuće! 🙂 Vidimo se u bife Ventil!Let’s go back to the tournaments in Crvić.
The first tournament in the new year on Sunday 14.01. from 18h. We hope you enjoyed 🙂 There will be a couple of new things ..
Inbox or face-to-face applications (if it’s still in place)
For all of you who have already participated in the following rules you can also skip.
Tournament Rules:
Each competitor creates his own team, plays by default with all standard weapons + a larger number of potential weapon boxes. Select worm is not used! The move is played in 30 sec.
In qualifying groups, only one game is played, in the final two wins.
The number of participants in the groups and the number of groups depends on the number of registered teams!
The winner of the tournament is all that he drinks to the end of the tournament at the back of the house! 🙂 see you in bife Ventil!