Dvije godine nakon odlične promocije albuma “Srce uzavrelo” u KSET-u te pola godine nakon memorabilnog nastupa na INmusic festival 2017, u Zagreb i u KSET se vraća Zoster!
U subotu, 9. prosinca 2017., zagrebačka publika ponovo će imati prilike uživo čuti mnogobrojne hitove koje je bend proizveo u svojih 17 godina karijere na ukupno 4 albuma. Bendovi tekstovi se konstantno poboljšavaju i produbljuju, a teško je ne zamijetiti da kroz cijelo svoje postojanje Zoster prenosi poruke tolerancije, mira, progresivnosti i afirmacije, ljubavi te ponekad i edukacije.
Grupa Zoster je nastala kao posljedica pada imuniteta društva i kao potreba da se nešto kaže i učini, a bilo bi nezahvalno Zoster smještati u određeni glazbeni žanr jer su kroz svoja 4 albuma prošli mnogo toga – reggae, ska rock, lagane balade i štošta drugo.
Pored samostalnih koncerata grupe Zoster koje su imali u gotovo svim većim gradovima u regiji, svirali su i u mnogim europskim prijestolnicama, odsvirali su i većinu festivala u regiji (Exit, INmusic, Sarajevo film festival, Lake fest Nikšić, Jazz fest Sarajevo, Seasplash i mnoge druge).
Trenutnu postavu grupe čine Mario Knezović – vokal, Atilla Aksoj – gitara, Adis Sirbubalo – klavijature, Nikola Galić – bas i Goran Rebac – bubnjevi.
Karte po pretprodajnoj cijeni od 40 kn moguće je kupiti u KSET-u i Dirty Old Empireu, a na dan koncerta bit će potrebno izdvojiti 60 kn.Two years after the excellent promotion of the album „Heart Boosted“ in KSET and half a year after a memorable performance at INmusic festival 20172017, Zoster is back in Zagreb and KSET!
On Saturday, December 9, 2017, the Zagreb audience will again have the opportunity to hear the live hits of the band’s 17-year career on a total of four albums. The bands’ texts are constantly improving and deepening, and it is hard to notice that throughout their existence Zoster conveys messages of tolerance, peace, progressiveness and affirmation, love, and sometimes education.
The Zoster Group was created as a result of the fall in immunity of society and the need to say something, and it would be unlucky to place Zoster in a particular music genre, because through its 4 albums, a lot of reggae, rock, light ballads and more.
In addition to the independent concerts of the Zoster group, which they had in almost all the major cities in the region, they also performed in many European capitals, including most of the festivals in the region (Exit, INmusic, Sarajevo Film Festival, Lake Fest Niksic, Jazz Fest Sarajevo, Seasplash and many others).
Current group shows include Mario Knezovic – vocals, Atilla Aksoj – guitar, Adis Sirbubalo – keyboards, Nikola Galić – bass and Goran Rebac – drums.
Tickets at a pre-sale price of 40 kn can be purchased at KSET and Dirty Old Empire, and 60 kn will be required on the day of the concert.