Ove godine rođendansku izložbu priređujemo po deveti put sa malo drugačijim konceptom. Listajući konkurse raspisivane prethodnih godina naša art direktorka Ljudmila Stratimirović je došla do zaključka da se mnogo češće prijavljuju umetnice nego umetnici. Ovaj statistički podatak dolazi kao inicijalna inspiracija za postavku simboličnog naziva 9 veličanstvenih, zamišljenu kao showcase devet umetnica, od kojih je većina imala nastupe u Velikoj galeriji, poput Marije Maksimović, Nataše Kokić, Daliborke Đurić, Marije Šević, Sanje Ćopić, Izabele Mašić koja je nedavno oduševila našu publiku ali i Aleksandre Stratimirović, čije osveljenje ostaje godinama zaštitni znak našeg prostora.
Ovoj listi autorki priključujemo i dve umetnice koje još uvek nisu prikazale svoj rad u Velikoj galeriji. Prema izboru art direktorke Ljudmile Stratimirović svoja dela izložiće Zagorka Stojanović, dok je kustos Aleksandar Stojanović pozvao Anu Vujović. Umetnice različitih generacija i različitih izraza svojim delima formiraće multimedijalnu postavku, dosta heterogenu, sa poklapanjima u tri tačke, tri fenomena koji su karakteristični za savremeno stvaralaštvo na domaćoj sceni: telo, strukturu i svetlost. Kako to naše umetnice istražuju ove aspekte stvaralaštva saznaćete na otvaranju 16. aprila od 20 časova. Izložba će biti otvorena do 22. aprila svakim danom od 14 do 20 časova.
The Magnificent 9
Grad’s ninth birthday special exhibition
16 – 22 April
Cultural Center Grad was opened in April, and traditionally the month of April is the birthday month with a special music and exhibition programme. This year, for the ninth anniversary the birthday programme is titled The Magnificent 9, combining a special birthday party and exhibition to mark the entrance into Grad’s first decade. The anniversary exhibitions were often group shows of artist who have been presenting their work in the Big Gallery in the past years, arranged in a new context and topic such as the Grad Salon in 2014 or Identity Deconstruction Methodologies in 2016.
The initial inspiration for this exhibition came from our open call entries thouought the past nine years: analyzing the candidates Ljudmila Stratimirović, art director of the Big Gallery had noticed that women were applying more frequently than male colleagues. This has resulted in more exhibitions of female artists as well and this data lead to choosing artists for a female-only showcase exhibition. Nine artists will be showing artworks in different media. These ladies have already show their works in solo or group shows during the previous seasons such as Marija Maksimović, Nataša Kokić, Daliborka Đurić, Marija Šević, Sanja Ćopić, Aleksandra Stratimirović who is behing the design of the unique lampshades in Grad, which have became a trademark of our interior, and also Izabela Mašić, who was the first artist to open our current annual exhibiting season and surprised the audience with a quite unique concept.
Two additional artists have been selected to present their work for the first time in the Big Gallery: art director Ljudmila Stratimirović invited Zagorka Stojanović to show her tapestries and curator Aleksandar Stojanović selected Ana Vujović, who will be showing her latest installation work. Artist selection is very diverse in terms of generations, media and artistic handwriting, aiming to create a very unique and rich showcase exhibition connected through the three aspects which occur in all the artworks: body, structure and light, the phenomena explored in contemporary creative process of these artists. To discover the research of body, structure and light in these artworks and meet the artists visit the grand opening of The Magnificent 9, on Monday 16 April at 8 pm.
The exhibition will be opened until 22 April every day from 2 to 8 pm