Beogradski novogodišnji koncert 14.01.2018. Sava Centar

Beogradski novogodišnji koncert 14.01.2018. Sava Centar

Slično tradicionalnom Bečkom novogodišnjem koncertu i Beograd ima svoj novogodišnji koncert.

Tradicionalni Beogradski novogodišnji koncert Simfonijskog orkestra i Hora Radio-televizije Srbije, za koji se uvek traži karta više, traje već deset godina.

Najpopularnije orkestarske i horske numere, uz dva dečja hora, Dečji hor RTS i Hor Kolibri, uz atraktivne soliste i maestra Bojana Suđića, postali su nezaobilazni deo novogodišnje kulturne ponude prestonice.

I ove godine slušaoce očekuje vatromet najlepših nota, sjajni solisti i specijalni gost iz Rusije, slavni tenor Sergej Putilin i veličanstvena atmosfera, koja se retko viđa u koncertnim dvoranama.

Budite i vi deo ove nezaboravne noći u nedelju, 14. januara u velikoj sali Sava centra sa početkom u 20 časova.

Karte u prodaji na blagajni Sava Centra i Eventima.Similar to the traditional Vienna New Year’s Concert and Belgrade, it has its New Year’s Concert.

The traditional Belgrade New Year’s Concert by the Symphony Orchestra and the Hora of Radio Television of Serbia, which is always looking for more maps, has been going on for ten years.

The most popular orchestral and piano numbers, along with two children’s dances, Boys hor RTS and Hor Kolibri, with attractive soloists and master Bojan Suđić, have become an inevitable part of the new year’s cultural offer of the prestigious.

This year, the listeners are also expected to receive the most brilliant fireworks, the great soloists and special guest from Russia, the famous tenor Sergei Putilin and the magnificent atmosphere, which is rarely seen at the concert halls.

Be a part of this unforgettable night on the 14th of January in the large hall of the Sava Center, starting at 20 o’clock.

Tickets sold at the Sava Center and Events store.


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