– Subota 27. januar
– Start 22h
– Ulaz 200 rsd
– Rezervacije na tel. 069/1982286
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Za njih svi muzički kritičari i portali u glas jednoglasno kažu da su jedni od predvodnika nove generacije srpskih bendova.�Svakog vikenda od grada do grada, čuje se“ Glas” novog vremena koji promovišu momci iz Kruševca. �Koncertno sigurno jedan od najaktivnijih , najsmelijih i najtraženijih mlađih bendova u Srbiji, sa preko 70 koncerta godišnje, posle putovanja po raznim gradovima Srbije i regiona i nedavne pobede na BARF festu , po prvi put dolaze u ZAPPA – barku 27. januara.� Crveni karton dolazi baš u pravo vreme, kada lokalne i regionalne novine, internet portali i ostali mediji previše promovišu bogate klince Instagrama, samoproklamovane „zvezde“, bahate bogataše i njima slične kreature modernog društva. �Pesme su ohrabrujuće, obećavajuće i govore o receptu za bolji i uspešniji život u sve više demoralisanom društvu.�„Buđenje“ se ubrazano širi svuda na Balkanu . Crveni karton je postao glas nove generacije i možda njihova poslednja nada. Njihovi nastupi su unapred rezervisani po nekoliko meseci i trenutno su bend koji je imao najviše nastupa na rokenrol sceni u prethodnoj godini i tako će biti dokle god ih drži i jača slogan :
„Za bolje sutra,�da zaboravim na juče,�da danas živim kako bi trebalo…“
Ovog leta bend je nastupio na Arsenal festu, druge večeri na Garden stage-u, BARF fest, Drum dum festu, na festivalu Prnjavor stock, Overload fest , 035 FEST u Jagodini, festivalu “ Osvežene” u Pirotu, Karnevalu u Vrnjackoj banji , Veliko gradiškoj gitarijadi, Kuršumlijskoj gitarijadi, na festival Vračar Rocks, Pank paradi u Požegi i drugim značajnim festivalima u regionu.
�Jer, Crveni karton će dobiti svako ko je to zaista zaslužio.>>> RED CARD – LIVE <<<
– Saturday 27 January
– Start 22h
– Input 200 rsd
– Reservations on tel. 069/1982286
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For all of them, all the music critics and portals in the voice unanimously say that they are one of the leaders of the new generation of Serbian bands. Every weekend from city to city, the „Voice“ of the new era is promoted by the boys from Kruševac. Concert certainly one of the most active, the most favorite and most sought after younger bands in Serbia, with over 70 concerts a year, after traveling to various Serbian and regional cities and the recent victory at the BARF festival, are coming for the first time in ZAPPA – the bar on Jan. 27. the card comes at the right time when local and regional newspapers, internet portals and other media too promote the rich Instagram kids, self-proclaimed „star“, wealthy men and similar creatures of modern society. „Peace is encouraging, promising and telling about the recipe for a better and more successful life in an increasingly demoralized society.“ The Awakening „is spreading everywhere in the Balkans. The red card has become the voice of the next generation and perhaps their last hope. Their performances have been reserved for a few months and are currently the band with the highest performance on the rokenrol scene in the previous year and will be as long as it is held and a stronger slogan:
„For better tomorrow, I’ll forget yesterday, but today I live as it should be …“
This evening the band performed at the Arsenal Festival, the other evening at the Garden stage, the BARF fest, the Drum dum festival, the Prnjavor stock festival, Overload Fest, 035 FEST in Jagodina, the „Refreshed“ festival in Pirot, Karneval in Vrnjacka Banja, Veliko cathedral guitar, Kuršumlija guitaries, Vračar Rocks festival, Pank parade in Požega and other important festivals in the region.
Ye, the red card will get everyone who really deserved it.
Crveni Karton – LIVE 27.01.2018. Zappa Barka

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