Jednu godinu nakon povratničkog koncerta, Arnold Layne & Alhemijaponovo u klubu Feedback.
Tradicionalni koncert za Điđu
„Čudno neko proleće“
Uz mnogo novih pesama, prilika da se podsetite i sada već legendarne muzike ove kultne niške grupe.
Ako niste „ovce u magli“ i ako mislite da je sve oko vas „licemerje i ludilo“, čeka vas sat i po žestoke svirke, pametnih tekstova i dobre zabave.
Arnold Layne & Alhemija
Za Điđu
Čudno neko proleće
Feedback, 20. mart 2018, 21 h
Cena ulaznice: osmeh i dobro raspoloženjeOne year after their come-back concert, Arnold Layne & Alchemy once more in the Feedback Club.
Traditional concert for Djidja
„A peculiar spring…“
With many new songs, this is an opportunity to remember the legendary music of this outstanding band.
If you are not a „sheep in the fog“ and if you think that everything around you is „hypocrisy and madness“, you are in for an hour and a half of furious performance, witty lyrics and great fun.
Arnold Layne & Alchemy
For Djidja
A peculiar spring…
Feedback, March 20, 2018, 21 h
Ticket price: a smile and good mood