Jedan od najuspešnijih reggae artista iz Austrije poznat po dugogodišnjoj saradnji sa House of Riddim izdavačkom kućom ponovo dolazi na naš festival.
Danny Ranks je resident MC na Weedbeat Sound-u iz Austrije, tekstopisac, umetnik i zabavljač koji iza sebe ima veliki broj uspešnih ostvarenja i nastupa širom Evrope, Afrike i Jamajke…Svaki njegov pokret praćen je od strane najistaknutijih Reggae portala, magazina, radio i tv stanica…Snimio je veliki broj singlova sa poznatim evropskim producentima, pojavio sa na mnogim popularnim „riddim“ izdanjima i objavio dva albuma „Deyah“ 2014 i „Dancehall Ranking“ 2016.
NEDELJA 29.04.2018. – Natural Mystic – ŽDREBAN, GORNJI MILANOVAC
ULAZ BESPLATANOne of the most successful reggae artists from Austria, known for years of cooperation with the House of Riddim publishing house, comes back to our festival.
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Danny Ranks is a resident MC at Weedbeat Sound from Austria, a songwriter, artist and entertainer who has a number of successful performances and performances across Europe, Africa and Jamaica … Each of his movements is monitored by the most prominent Reggae portal, magazine, radio and TV stations … He recorded a large number of singles with well-known European producers, appeared with many popular „riddim“ editions and released two albums „Deyah“ 2014 and „Dancehall Ranking“ in 2016.
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SUNDAY 29.04.2018. – Natural Mystic – ŽDREBAN, GORNJI MILANOVAC
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Danny Ranks 29.04.2018.Ždreban

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