Ovaj put Cane i Gile dolaze u Sarajevo u svježem i neobičnom formatu, kao DJ duet. Slušaćemo muziku koja ih je inspirisala, vaspitavala, muziku na kojoj su odrasli i čiji je senzebilitet svakako utkan u fantastične opuse Električnog orgazma i Partibrejkersa.
23. decembra u 21 h MH Sarajevo imaće da izuzetnu priliku da ugosti dve istinske zvijezde jugoslovenskog rock and roll a koji nam dolaze iz Beograda. Zorana Kostića Caneta, frontmena kultnih Partibrejkersa, i Srdjana Gojkovića Gileta, jednog od autentičnih pokretača jugoslovenskog novog talasa sa svojim legendarnim bendom Električni orgazam. Uz Milana Mladenovića i Koju-Disciplina Kičme, ova četvorka nesumnjivo predstavlja ikonične figure beogradske i jugoslovenske rock and roll scene koja je sanjala neki bolji, lepši svet , a svojim nezaboravnim svirkama i afirmacijom apsolutnih vrednosti zajedništva, antiratne pobune i solidarnosti, ostavila neizbrisiv trag na jugoslovenskoj rock sceni.
Požurite sa kupovinom karata čija će cijena iznositi 10 km, broj mjesta je ograničen. Karte možete kupiti na svim prodajnim mjestima www. kupikarte.ba i u Mikser House-u od ponedeljka 4. decembraThis time, Cane and Gile come to Sarajevo in a fresh and unusual format, like a DJ duet. We will listen to the music that inspired them, educated them, the music they grew up with, and whose sensuality was surely embedded in the fantastic opusions of Electric Orgasm and Partibrejkers.
On December 23, at 21h MH Sarajevo will have an exceptional opportunity to host the two true stars of the Yugoslav rock and roll coming from Belgrade. Zoran Kostic Canet, frontman of cult Partibrejkers, and Srdjan Gojkovic Gilet, one of the authentic drivers of the Yugoslav new wave with his legendary band Electric Orgasm. With Milan Mladenovic and Koju-Disciplina Kicma, these four undoubtedly represent iconic figures of the Belgrade and Yugoslav rock and roll scene that dreamed of a better, better world, and with their unforgettable gigs and affirmation of the absolute values of communion, antiwar rebellion and solidarity, left an indelible mark on Yugoslav rock scene.
Hike with the purchase of tickets with a price of 10 km, the number of places is limited. You can buy tickets at all points of sale www. kupikarte.ba and at Mikser House since Monday, December 4th