Nakon uspešnog prošlogodišnjeg koncerta ponovo u Firchie Think Tank Studiu nastupiće Električni orgazam 29.decembra u 22h.
Pored svih dobro znanih hitova bend će promovisati singlove sa predstojećeg albuma „Gde smo sad“ koji svetlost dana treba da ugleda na proleće 2018.godine.
Ulaznice po promo ceni od 500 dinara možete kupiti na svim prodajnim mestima sistema GIGS TIX.
Broj promo ulaznica je ograničen!
Nakon toga redovna cena karata je 800 dinara, a na samom ulazu karta će koštati 1000 dinara.After a successful last year’s concert, Firchie Think Tank Studiu will again perform Electric Orgasm on December 29 at 22h.
In addition to all well-known hits, the band will promote singles from the upcoming album „Where Are We Now“, which should see the light of the day in the spring of 2018.
You can purchase tickets at a promotion of 500 dinars at all sales points of the GIGS TIX system.
The number of promo tickets is limited!
After that, the regular price of tickets is 800 dinars, and at the entrance, the card will cost 1000 dinars.