We are very pleased to invite you to a free New Year’s concert of children from the Belgrade Children’s Inn, who will perform with the children’s choir Horislavci, Natasa Tasić-Knežević and Horkestrom at the National Theater in Belgrade.
Hor Thinning Downstairs exists from 2016 and until now we had four concerts. On this occasion our choir will bring you famous children’s songs performed in new arrangements, popular rock songs, as well as original songs produced in our production.
We are happy because for the first time we will perform with the well-known children Horislavci choir, who are our guests at this concert. It is a choir that takes part in all operas of the National Theater in which children sing. In addition, this choir is also known for its handwriting and pop songs, as well as its original songs.
We are honored to announce the performance of opera singer Natasa Tasic-Knezevic, who will sing for us songs from famous cartoons. Natasha, in addition to being the only opera singer in Serbia of Roma origin and a great singer for Roma rights, as well as a music pedagogue, has been engaged in several art projects.
Like us, last year, Belgrade’s alternative band Horkestar will perform with us, which will help us sing our new songs.
Come to the concert and help us to round off the rich concert season in the most beautiful way!
You can find more information about Raspevana atrium on our fb page https://www.facebook.com/raspevanosvratiste/
Raspevano Svratište is a project of the association Art Aparat. The project is supported by the Trag Foundation and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.