First Childhood Festival 25 – 30.07.2019. Dorcol Platz

First Childhood Festival 25 – 30.07.2019. Dorcol Platz
Dobračina 59b, Belgrade, Serbia
25.Jun.2019 - 30.Jun.2019

Childhood is a period of life when there are no worries and problems when we are brave, unstoppable, and when everything is possible to be realized with a pure child’s heart. It is this joy of life and carelessness that will be felt by all visitors of the first Children’s Festival that will be held from June 25th to June 30th from 10-20h in Dorćol Platz.
Children expect great fun at numerous sports and educational workshops, and parents will have the opportunity to hear a lot of useful advice from experts, as well as the experience of other parents.
Every day, sports workshops will be organized, which will bring parents and children closer to different sports through training, and some of our most successful athletes will also share their experience in achieving top results. Children’s safety is always in the first place and this will be one of the important topics to be discussed by the experts of the MUP of the Republic of Serbia, and parents will be introduced to the important rules prescribed by the Law on Road Traffic Safety.
Special attention will be paid to topics related to children’s health, so lectures will be organized to discuss immunity, nutrition, vaccination, antibiotics, parents’ influence on the child. New technologies have enabled parents on social networks to openly talk about their experiences, and this will be an opportunity to talk about parenting with the most popular moments of influencers and bloggers.
In the course of numerous educational workshops, children will learn English, work on the development of personal and intellectual skills, dance, singing and acting skills, and the children’s performances will bring them to the world of fairy tales. Also, various fun competitions will be organized for boys and girls, while babies will compete in what they know best to do – in crawling. All kids can bring toys that they no longer want to play and expose them to the toy charity sale stand.
At the Children’s Festival, a special exhibition on childhood in the 20th century will be organized, featuring over 900 exhibits of toys and children’s equipment used in the last 30 years of the 20th century. This will be an ideal opportunity for parents to remember their favorite toys, how school classrooms looked like before and after the war, which sports and school equipment used to be used, what games were played when there were no computers and mobile phones, and many things that parents would return in the most beautiful period of life – childhood.


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