OD 03. DECEMBRA U 19:00 DO 06. DECEMBRA 2017.
Organizacija: Centar za razvoj fotografije
Izložbom nagrađenih fotografija sa nacionalnog konkursa za najbolju fotografiju objavljenu u medijima – Press Photo Srbija, zatvara se ovogodišnji Festival fotografije VIZUALIZATOR.
Press Photo Srbija ima tradiciju dugu 19 godina. Okuplja veliki broj stručnjaka iz zemlje i inostranstva tokom žiriranja radova, kako bi publici prikazao najbolje dokumentarne fotografije nastale u Srbiji tokom 2016. godine.
Savremeni trendovi u fotografiji, etika, profesionalnost, odlike su pobedničkih radova sa ovog konkursa.
Festival fotografije VIZUALIZATOR 2017
VIZUALIZATOR istražuje, analizira, stvara, omogućava publici pristup najpoznatijim delima savremene umetnosti, aktivno uključuje građane, uspostavlja platformu za saradnju i povezivanje ključnih činilaca i predstavnika u sferi umetnosti, medija i obrazovanja u ciklus razgovora i diskusija.
Pokrenut je kao i veliki evropski foto- festivali, koji se progresivno razvijaju aktivirajući produkciju, galerije i tržište, i postaju veliki kulturni, obrazovni i turistički potencijal.
Važan segment koji prati izložbe festivala su intrigantne tribine sa istaknutim gostujućim učesnicima i gostima festivala.
Fotografija je fenomen 21. veka. U 21. veku, dnevno se napravi više fotografija nego zbirno od njenog nastanka pa do 2000. godine.
Mladi, svakodnevno koriste fotografiju kao komunikacijsko sredstvo sa vršnjacima na društvenim mrežama, bez znanja o odgovornosti upotrebe fotografija i porukama koje šalju.
Medijska pismenost je na niskom nivou u Srbiji, naročito vizuelna medijska pismenost, iz čega proizilazi potreba za uvođenjem fotografije u formalno obrazovanje,
Produkcija fotografija u Srbiji je jako razvijena o čemu javnost malo zna, čime je ovaj umetnički i kulturni resurs ostaje neiskorišćen.
Fotografija je roknrol savremenog doba, ukazuje na aktuelne probleme u društvu, izraz je bunta, kritika, ali i izuzetne stvaralačke energije.
Putem izložbi, tribina i radionica tradicija festivala otvara vrata za najbolja ostvarenja srpske i svetske fotografije i afirmaciju mladih umetnika.
Festival aktivira i edukuje publiku u domenu fotografije.
Publika ima jedinstvenu priliku da u svom gradu, u tradicionalnim galerijskim i javnim prostorima, upozna autoritete iz svetske i srpske fotografije, da na izložbama velikog formata upozna velika dela i moć fotografije.
Festival radi na razvoju publike kroz promociju medijske pismenosti kroz tribinske aktivnosti na kojima su povezani predstavnici Zavoda za unapređivanje obrazovanja i vaspitanja, Ministarstva prosvete, sa kojima eksperti iz oblasti fotografije predstvaljaju prednosti uvođenja fotografije u formalno obazovanje.
Festival fotografije VIZUALIZATOR je interdisciplinarni događaj koji predstavlja kompletnu panoramu fotografskog medija, kroz 14 izložbi, 6 tribina i 5 radionica.
Fotografija kao deo savremene umetnosti, sociološki fenomen, moćno komunikacijsko sredstvo i dokument o vremenu su teme festivala. Naglašavajući kulturnu i društvenu dinamiku festivala,
VIZUALIZATOR se održava u novembru, na više opština u Beogradu, tradicionalo već četvrtu godinu zaredom, a ove godine po prvi put i u nekoliko gradova u Srbiji
Tokom 10 dana trajanja, aktivnosti festivala se realizuju u više prostora: galerija Štab, galerija GO Vračar, Dom omladine Beograda, UK Parobrod, UK Palilula, UK Vuk Karadžić, KC Grad, Pres centar Udruženja novinara Srbije, Akademija umetnosti, Francuski kulturni centar, Italijanski kulturni centar, podzemni prolaz Terazije, podzemna železnička stanica Vukov spomenik, Astronomska opservatorija Zvezdara, Etnografski muzej, Muzej primenjene umetnosti u Beogradu, Kulturni centar Novi Sad, galerija Savremene umetnosti, Akademija umetnosti Novi Sad, Gradska kuća Subotica, Kulturni centar Požega,
Gosti festivala, izlagači i predavači na radionicama, dolaze iz: SAD, Bugarske, Austrije.
Učesnici projekta: Univerzitet u Beogradu: Filozofski fakultet, Fakultet primenjenih umetnosti, Fakultet političkih nauka, Fakultet dramskih umetnosti, Akademija umetnosti, Singidunum, više od 40 volontera, studenata angažovanih na projektnim aktivnostima, učešće univerzitetskih profesora na javnim tribinama i radionicama u okviru festivala;
Saradnici na projektu su: OEBS, Francuski kulturni centar, Austrijski kulturni forum, Muzej primenjene umetnosti, Udruženje novinara SrbijeFESTIVAL VIZUALIZATOR: PRESS PHOTO SERBIA 2017.
Organization: Photo Development Center
An exhibition of award-winning photographs from the national competition for best photography published in the media – Press Photo Serbia, closes this year’s Photography Festival VIZUALIZATOR.
Press Photo Serbia has a tradition of 19 years. It gathers a large number of experts from the country and abroad during the jury of works, in order to show the audience the best documentary photographs created in Serbia in 2016.
Contemporary trends in photography, ethics, professionalism, features of the winning works from this competition.
Festival of Photography VIZUALIZATOR 2017
VIZUALIZATOR explores, analyzes, creates, gives the audience access to the most famous works of contemporary art, actively involves citizens, establishes a platform for cooperation and connecting key factors and representatives in the sphere of art, media and education into a cycle of discussions and discussions.
It was launched as well as major European photo festivals, which are progressively developing activating production, galleries and the market, and become a great cultural, educational and tourist potential.
An important segment that follows the festival exhibitions are intriguing stands with prominent visiting participants and guests of the festival.
Photography is a phenomenon of the 21st century. In the 21st century, more photographs are made every day than aggregated from its creation until 2000.
Young people use photography every day as a communication tool with peers on social networks, without knowing the responsibility of using photos and messages they send.
Media literacy is at a low level in Serbia, especially visual media literacy, resulting in the need for the introduction of photography into formal education,
Production of photography in Serbia is very developed, which the public knows little about, which makes this artistic and cultural resource unused.
Photograph is a rocknroll of the modern age, points to the current problems in society, the expression of rebellion, criticism, and exceptional creative energy.
Through exhibitions, tribunes and workshops, the festival’s tradition opens the door to the best achievements of Serbian and world photography and the affirmation of young artists.
The festival activates and educates audiences in the domain of photography.
Audiences have a unique opportunity to introduce in their own city, in traditional gallery and public spaces, the authorities from world and Serbian photography, to realize great works and the power of photography on large-format exhibitions.
The festival is working on the development of the audience through the promotion of media literacy through tribal activities involving representatives of the Institute for the Advancement of Education, Ministry of Education, with which photo experts convey the advantages of introducing photography into formal observation.
Photo Festival VIZUALIZATOR is an interdisciplinary event that represents a complete panorama of photographic media, through 14 exhibitions, 6 stands and 5 workshops.
Photography as a part of contemporary art, a sociological phenomenon, a powerful communication tool and a document about time are the themes of the festival. Emphasizing the cultural and social dynamics of the festival,
VIZUALIZATOR is held in November, in several municipalities in Belgrade, traditionally for the fourth year in a row, and this year for the first time in several cities in Serbia
During the 10 days of its duration, the activities of the festival are realized in several places: Gallery Štab, Gallery GO Vračar, Dom omladine Beograda, UK Parobrod, UK Palilula, UK Vuk Karadžić, KC Grad, Press Center of Association of Journalists of Serbia, Academy of Arts, French Cultural Center, Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade, Cultural Center Novi Sad, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Academy of Arts Novi Sad, City Hall Subotica, Cultural Center Pozega, Cultural Center of Novi Sad, Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade,
Guests of the festival, exhibitors and lecturers at the workshops come from: USA, Bulgaria, Austria.
Participants in the project: University of Belgrade: Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Applied Arts, Faculty of Political Sciences, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Academy of Arts, Singidunum, more than 40 volunteers, students engaged in project activities, participation of university professors at public tribunes and workshops within the festival;
Project collaborators include: OSCE, French Cultural Center, Austrian Cultural Forum, Museum of Applied Art, Association of Journalists of Serbia