ŠTO? Četiri dame, jedan show.
KADA? Badnjak, od 12h.
GDJE? Basta Gourmet bar, Varšavska 5a, Zagreb.
Tradicija je tu da se poštuje! Ne propustite već tradicionalan nastup Frajli na Badnjak u Varšavskoj!
Ovog puta u još većem prostoru – zelenoj oazi u centru grada – Basta Gourmet bar u Varšavskoj 5a.
„Četiri dame… Marija Mirković, Nataša Mihajlović, Jelena i Nevena Buča, članice su grupe The Frajle. Četiri vokala i dvije akustične gitare ne mogu nikako dočarati što The Frajle, u stvari, jesu. Nastupi sa kojima osvajaju publiku od 2009. godine, njihova su posebnost koja ih izdvaja od ostalih izvođača na glazbenoj sceni i njima su privukle publiku različitih muzičkih usmjerenja. … jedan show!“
Basta Gourmet bar je poznat po talijanskim specijalitetima kao i originalnoj napoletanskoj pizzi. Uz to, za Badnjak se sprema poseban blagdanski menu.
Kapljica vrhunskog vina ili prosecca, zalogaj napoletanske pizze, zvuci Frajla, božićni duh… Badnjak u Basti!
🎄 info@basta.bar
🎄 095 7070 003
* ulaz je besplatan
* rezervacija stola uz minimalnu potrošnju 700 kn (piće)
WHO?The Frajle
WAY? Four ladies, a show.
WHEN? Easter, from 12h.
WHERE? Basta Gourmet bar, Varšavska 5a, Zagreb.
Tradition is here to be respected! Do not miss the traditional Freudian performance on Christmas Eve in Warsaw!
This time in an even bigger area – a green oasis in the city center – Basta Gourmet bar in Warsaw 5a.
„Four ladies … Marija Mirkovic, Natasa Mihajlovic, Jelena and Nevena Bucha are members of the The Frajle group, and four vocals and two acoustic guitars can not help but guess what The Frajle is, in fact, performances with which the audience has won since 2009, they are a specialty that distinguishes them from other artists in the music scene and attracted audiences of different musical directions … a show! “
Basta Gourmet bar is famous for its Italian specialties as well as original Napoletano pizza. In addition, a special holiday menu is being prepared for Christmas Eve.
A drop of top-quality wine or prosecco, a bite of Napoleon’s pizza, the sound of Freud, a Christmas spirit … Christmas Eve in Basti!
🎄 info@basta.bar
🎄 095 7070 003
* entrance is free
* reservation of table with minimum consumption of 700 kn (drinks)