KONCERT 18.12.2017.u 20h u Domu Omladine
Poštovane dame i gospodo, imate retku priliku da uživate u koncertu
Frana Lasića, uz pratnju dalmatinske klape „Smrika“.
Frano je rodjen 1954. godine,pa u skladu s tim, koncert počinje sa hitovima iz tih godina,pa godina po godinu,sve do današnjeg dana.Tokom koncerta osetićete šta je pravi vremeplov.Putovat ćete kroz vreme i vratiti se u neke prošle lepe i bezbrižne dane, uz muziku tog vremena.Biće tu i nekoliko poznatih stranih hitova,koji su se tada pevušili uz radio Luxemburg,kao i onih starih svima nama znanih domaćih hitova, koji su se slušali sa singlica i lp ploča,ali i popularnih klapskih dalmatinskih pesama…kao i nezaobilazni evergreen hitovi “Zagrljeni” i “Volim te budalo mala” u klapskoj izvedbi…
Uz Frana i klapu ćete se prisetiti romantičnih šetnji uz more,setiti se opojnog mirisa mora i morskog žala,zalazaka sunca i malih morskih vala…
Zato zapevajmo skupa, svima nama dobro znane,ali retko izvodjene pjesme, uz koje smo odrastali…
Dobro nam došli!
CONCERT 18.12.2017 at 20h at theDom omladine
Dear ladies and gentlemen, you have a rare opportunity to enjoy the concert
Fran Lašić, accompanied by the Dalmatian klapa „Smrika“.
Frano was born in 1954, and accordingly, the concert begins with hits from those years, then year after year, until today. During the concert you will feel what a real time plan. You will travel through time and return to some past beautiful and carefree days, with the music of that time. There will also be several famous foreign hits, which then sang with the Luxembourg radio, as well as those of the old all of us famous domestic hits, who were listening to singles and lp records, but also popular clap Dalmatian songs … as well as unavoidable evergreen hits „Enchanted“ and „I love you foolish“ in a clapper performance …
With Fran and the klapa, you will remember romantic strolls along the sea, remember the ailmental scent of the sea and the sea mood, sunsets and small sea waves …
So let’s sing together, all of us well known, but rarely performed songs, with which we grew up …