600 RSD – promotivna cena (ograničen kontigent dok se ne prodaju ili do 23. aprila)
800 RSD – pretprodajna cena (do 2. maja)
1000 RSD – na dan koncerta (3. maj)
Prodajna mesta: Eventim Serbia, GIGS TIX, DD Tickets, FELIX Shop, TC Sremska, Zbornica i Dorćol Platz
Rezervacija ulaznica moguća putem mejla: office@rocksvirke.com (ime i prezime, kontakt telefon).
Gordon Rafael (Raphael) je američki muzičar koji je najpoznatiji po svom producentskom umeću i prepoznavanju istinskih talenata, te njihovom katapultiranju među globalne zvezde. Najzaslužniji je za prve demo snimke, kao i za epohalni debi album benda The Strokes – „Is This It?“ Započeo je saradnju sa Redžinom Spektor (Regina Spektor) kada mu je neko preporučio da proveri „nepoznatu rusku devojku“.
„View From Blue“: https://youtu.be/EDcMyknx8FI
Kao muzičar, Gordon je oformio dva benda u rodnom Sijetlu, Mental Mannequin i Colour Twigs. Tokom devedesetih i dobro poznate grandž revolucije bio je klavijaturista u psihodeličnom bendu Sky Cries Mary, kao i član dark-wave sastava Absinthee with Anna Mercedes.
„It’s So Sleepy In This Noisey Chair“ (Live): https://youtu.be/zuLncL5Dir0
Uporedo sa uspehom prvog albuma Strokesa, 2002. godine se seli u London i osniva studio The Silver Transporterraum of London. U prvim godinama sarađivao je sa oko 30 bendova, a bio je zadužen za zvuk na nastupima benda The Libertines na njihovoj prvoj zvaničnoj britanskoj turneji.
„In the Studio with Gordon Raphael“: https://youtu.be/arDNDsSAQpc
2005. godine seli se u Berlin gde je sarađivao sa brojnim evropskim bendovima među kojima su Zeno and the Stoics (Madrid), Mikkel Glasser (Kopenhagen), Husky Stash (Berlin), Sue and the Unicorn (Berlin), Satellites (Majorka), Big Deal (London), A Brand (Brisel), Deportivo (Pariz), Scanners (London), Olivia Anna Livki (Berlin), Super 700 (Berlin), Ian Astbury (London), Eva Loft (Berlin), The Michelles (Berlin)
Iako su Dejmon Albarn (Damon Albarn), Ijan Braun (Ian Brown), Ijan Estberi (Ian Astbury ) iz benda the Cult kao i španski kolektiv Hinds – uz ogroman broj manjih bendova – imali prilike da posvedoče o kvalitetu njegove produkcije, Gordon Rafael je, pre svega, muzičar i kantautor: “Volim da produciram, ali sviranje gitare i pisanje pesama je ono što sam oduvek radio”, kaže Rafael i dodaje “samo sam želeo da pokažem šta znam da radim sa druge strane stola, ali produciranje je počelo da mi postaje prepreka”.
„Mannequins On Parade“: https://youtu.be/AZoxlolrXC0
Sada to nadoknađuje novom pločom pod nazivom “Sleep On The Radio” objavljenu 9. Februara ove godine. Album sadrži dvanaest izuzetnih numera koje reflektuju sve ono što je slušao tokom života, ali su naročito inspirisane glam-rock erom Dejvida Bouvija (David Bowie), neponovljivim zvukom gitare Mika Ronsona (Mick Ronson), glam-pop savršenstvom Sparksa iz “Kimono My House” perioda i ljubavi prema prog-rocku i čudnim zvucima Frenka Zape (Frank Zappa).
„I Sleep On The Radio“ (Tin Roof Session): https://youtu.be/r7rtdajGC6I
Pored ovoga, Gordon je stvorio potpuno novi prateći bend stacioniran u Berlinu. U pitanju su pozati muzičari Danijel Bendžamin (Daniel Benjamin) i Eleni Zafirijadu (Eleni Zafiriadou) iz grupe Sea & Air i bubnjar Kevin Kun (Kuhn), član sastava Die Nerven.
Gordon Raphael, the producer who is most deserving for the first demos, as well as for the epoch-making Debut album The Strokes – „Is This It?“ Will premiered and launch a European tour with his band The Half Full Flashes on Thursday, May 3 In 2018, at the club Dorćol Platz(Dobracina 59b), organized by RockSvirke.com concert agency starting at 9 pm.
600 RSD – promotional price (limited contingent until sold or until April 23)
800 RSD – pre-sale price (until May 2)
1000 RSD – on the day of the concert (May 3rd)
Outlets: Eventim Serbia, GIGS TIX, DD Tickets, FELIX Shop, TC Sremska, Zbornica and Dorćol Platz
Ticket reservation is possible via e-mail: office@rocksvirke.com (name and surname, contact telephone).
Gordon Raphael (Raphael) is an American musician who is best known for his production and recognition of true talents, and their catapulting among the global stars. He is most deserving for the first demos, as well as for the epoch-making debut album The Strokes – „Is This It?“ He started co-operation with Regina Spektor, when someone recommended that he check the „unknown Russian girlfriend“.
„View From Blue“: https://youtu.be/EDcMyknx8FI
As a musician, Gordon formed two bands in his native Seattle, Mental Mannequin and Color Twigs. During the nineties and a well-known revolt of the Revolution, he was a keyboardist at the Sky Cries Mary psychedelic band, as well as a member of the dark-wave band Absinthee with Anna Mercedes.
„It’s So Sleepy In This Noisey Chair“ (Live): https://youtu.be/zuLncL5Dir0
Along with the success of Strokes’s first album, in 2002, he moved to London and founded The Silver Transporterraum of London. In the first years he worked with about 30 bands, and was in charge of the sounds of the band The Libertines on their first official British tour.
„In the Studio with Gordon Raphael“: https://youtu.be/arDNDsSAQpc
In 2005, he moved to Berlin where he collaborated with numerous European bands including Zeno and the Stoics (Madrid), Mikkel Glasser (Copenhagen), Husky Stash (Berlin), Sue and the Unicorn (Berlin), Satellites (Mallorca), Big Deal (London), A Brand (Brussels), Deportivo (Paris), Scanners (London), Olivia Anna Livki (Berlin), Super 700 (Berlin), Ian Astbury (London), Eva Loft (Berlin), The Michelles Berlin)
Although Damon Albarn, Ian Brown, Ian Estbury (Ian Astbury) from the band The Cult and Spanish Hinds – with a huge number of smaller bands – had the opportunity to testify about the quality of his production, Gordon Rafael , first of all, musician and singer: „I like to produce, but playing guitar and writing songs is what I’ve always done,“ Raphael says, adding, „I just wanted to show what I know working on the other side of the table, but the production started to make me an obstacle „.
„Mannequins On Parade“: https://youtu.be/AZoxlolrXC0
It now replaces it with a new record called „Sleep On The Radio“ released on February 9 this year. The album contains twelve exciting tracks that reflect everything he listened to during his lifetime, but are particularly inspired by David Bowie’s glamorous rock, the unmistakable sound of guitar Mick Ronson, the glam-pop perfection of Sparks from Kimono My House „The period and love of prog rock and the strange sounds of Frank Zappa.
„I Sleep On The Radio“ (Tin Roof Session): https://youtu.be/r7rtdajGC6I
In addition to this, Gordon has created a whole new accompanying band stationed in Berlin. These are the late musicians Daniel Benjamin and Eleni Zafiriadou from the Sea & Air group and drummer Kevin Kun (Kuhn), a member of Die Nerven.