Jailbreak Guns N’ Roses Real Tribute Band „14 YEARS“ Birthday party
Jailbreak vas poziva da u sredu 14.02.2018 u klubu Fest zajedno proslavimo 14-ti rodjendan benda. Za sve ljubitelje cuvenih Guns-a ovo je sjajna prilika da ponovo posle duzeg vremena cuju uzivo neke od najvecih hitova ovog legendarnog sastava , za one koji to nisu prilika da se dobro provedu i uzivaju u svim carima R’N’R-a .
Cena ulaznice je 500 RSD.
Rezervacije stolova /400/ i separea /600/1000 na 063 700 81 50 (15-23)Jailbreak Guns N ‘Roses The Real Tribute Band „14 YEARS“ Birthday party
Jailbreak invites you to celebrate the 14th birthday of the band on February 14, 2018 at Fest club. For all lovers of the famous Guns, this is a great opportunity to hear again some time later some of the biggest hits of this legendary band, for those who are not an opportunity to perform well and enjoy in all the R’n’R empires.
The price of the ticket is 500 RSD.
Bookings of tables / 400 / i separea / 600/1000 at 063 700 81 50 (15-23)