Grijalica Vam predstavlja HOT HOT PIZZA NIGHT !!!
Pizze će vrtit za vas ekipa iz
CHEAP BORDELLO PIZZERIA – Best pirate pizza in town!!
Na pločama puštat će nam :
AVL! ( Brussel,BLG)
Kao DJ počinje 2001. na legendarnim Kontrapunkt večerima u zagrebačkom klubu Aquarius s Eddy Ramichem, Dusom, Alen S-om i Janom Valdevit koji tada čine Kontrapunkt kolektiv. Sudjeluje u organizaciji Kontrapunkt festivala i večeri u Zagrebu i Dubrovniku s Eddy Ramichem do 2012. Nakon Kontrapunkta seli s DJ Carlitom u podrum kluba Kina Grič.
Start 19.00h
Vidimo se !!Grijalica represents HOT HOT PIZZA NIGHT !!!
Pizza will turn for you team from
CHEAP BORDELLO PIZZERIA – Best pirate pizza in town !!
On the plates they will let us:
AVL! (Brussel, BLG)
As a DJ begins in 2001 on the legendary Kontrapunkt evening at Zagreb Aquarius club with Eddy Ramichem, Duso, Alen S and Jan Valdevit, who then make Kontrapunkt Collective. He participates in the organization of Kontrapunkt Festival and evenings in Zagreb and Dubrovnik with Eddy Ramichem until 2012. After Kontrapunkt, he moves with DJ Carlita to the basement of the China Grimm club.
Start 19.00h
See you at Radionica69