Mnogi rituali, izvedeni od strane slovenskih plemena u prošlosti, žive i u aktuelnom trenutku. Kako su prvobitno pratili ciklus sunca, godišnjih doba ili same zemlje, na taj način plemena su uticala na samu prirodu da sledi unutrašnju logiku svog osećanja i strujanja, a vremenom, verski i politički uticaјi su ih, ili izmenili, ili iskorenili u potpunosti. Izložbom Roots grow inside you, kroz samu postavku i performanse, biće prikazano telo rada koјe seže do nepromenjenih variјaciјa slovenskih rituala premeštenih u savremeno doba. Ova izložba ukazaće na značaj važnosti rituala јer su upravo oni dokaz naših korena, povezuјu prošlost i sadašnjost, povezuјu nas sa precima i podsećaјu na naše ponizno mesto u prirodi.
Na otvaranju izložbe očekuje nas performans umetnice koja živi i stvara u Beču, Jolyane Langlois. Učesnici ovog projekta su: Maria Flawia Litwin, Anastasiia Horbets, Jolyane Langlois, Kari Pederson, Afton Joy Rentz Ann Trépanier i Lucy Simic.
Izložba će biti otvorena do 1. marta, svakodnevno od 14 do 20h.
On Monday, February 24th at 8 pm, Grad Gallery will open new exhibition Roots grow inside you.
Roots grow inside you is an installation of photographs and masks rooted in pagan Slavic rituals reinterpreted in the context of contemporaneity. Many of the rituals performed by Slavic tribes are still very much alive today. Originally, the rituals followed the cycle of the sun, seasons, celebrating the elements and land, urging seasons to come and Nature to follow the internal logic of its ebb and flow.
Over time, religious and political influences have either altered or eradicated them. We wish to present a body of work that goes back to the more unaltered variations of Slavic rituals and reposition them in the present time. The work is fuelled by the importance of rituals as they are the evidence of our roots. They liaison the past and the present, connect us to our ancestors and remind us of our humble place in Nature.
The opening night will feature a live performance by Vienna-based dance artist, Jolyane Langlois. The participants in this project are Maria Flawia Litwin, Anastasiia Horbets, Jolyane Langlois, Kari Pederson, Afton Joy Rentz Ann Trépanier and Lucy Simic.
We would love to officially thank Shamez Amlani for his unconditional and vital support of this project.
The exhibition will be open until March 1st from 2 pm to 8 pm at the Grad Gallery.