Jan Blomqvist live / Henry Saiz live • 13.04.2018.Hangar

Jan Blomqvist live / Henry Saiz live • 13.04.2018.Hangar
Knezopoljska 3, Beograd

Blender i Beat kao dve organizacije slične po svom muzičkom senzibilitetu odlučile su da se udruže povodom ovog posebnog događaja 13. aprila u Hangaru, kada će beogradska publika imati prvi put priliku da čuje live nastup fenomenalnog Jan Blomqvist-a, sa bendom. Pored ovog veoma posebnog umetnika novog doba, na bini će se ponovo naći Henry Saiz u live nastupu sa svojim bendom.

Ove večeri očekuje se pozitivan naboj umetničke energije, koja će preplaviti svaku prisutnu osobu u Hangaru.

Jan Blomqvist sa svojim bendom, trenutno je jedan među najtraženijim live act-ovima sveta. Blomqvist je rođen osamdesetih, sa trenutnom bazom u Berlinu. Upravo on izumeo je koncept koncertnog izvođenja techno zvuka sa sanjalačkim vokalima i jednostavnim minimalnim notama. Jan na svojim solo nastupima pušta clubsoul, a sa svojim BLOMQVIST bendom, predstavlja se electro-pop stilom, koji navodi na ples.
Sa svojih dvadeset godina, kao student avio inženjerstva upoznaje se sa techno-m i kreće sa razmišljanjima kako ta muzika može da postane njegova profesija. Preko dana je spavao, a noćima je pravio trake, dok je vikendom radio kao barmen u Weekend club-u. Sav novac koji bi zaradio trošio je na edukaciju u vidu posete koncertima Radiohead-a, berlinskom klubu Bar25 i after partijima. Vođen je idejom da će jednog dana uspeti da razbije dosadu u klubovima i na plesne podijume donese koncertni osećaj u vidu kombinacije jednostavnih vokala i minimalnih bitova.
Konačno, u 2011. godini, došlo je do prelomne tačke u njegovoj karijeri: nastup na Fusion festivalu pred hiljadama ljudi i izdanja za Dantze i Stil vor Talent. Tokom 2012. godine, njegovi YouTube klipovi pregledani su od strane milionskog auditorijuma.
Jan Blomqvist imao je 350 nastupa za samo tri godine, po najvećim svetskim metropolama. Za završetak prvog albuma trebalo mu je dosta vremena, jer koliko god da voli polu bitove, prezire polu dovršene poslove. Album „Remot Control“ izdat je 2016. godine i doživeo je veliki uspeh sa svojim modernim prizvukom Portishead-a i Radiohead-a, savršeno upakovanim uz nezaobilazni minimalni bit.

Henry Saiz je španski di-džej, producent i live act umetnik iza koga je deset godina uspešne karijere. Saizov uspeh leži u njegovoj strasti koju istražuje kroz neobičan pristup elektronskoj muzici, kombinujući pop elemente i vokale sa akustičnim instrumentima. Mali je broj umetnika koji su istinski posvećeni svom stvaranju na način na koji je Henry Saiz posvećen. Karijeru je započeo pre 10 godina i od tada je objavljivao muziku na prestižnim etiketama kao što su Last Night On Earth, Suara i Bedrock, a nastupao je po najpoznatijim klubovima i na brojnim festivalima širom sveta. Saizov uspeh leži u njegovoj strasti koju istražuje kroz neobičan pristup elektronskoj muzici, kombinujući pop elemente i vokale sa akustičnim instrumentima.

Ulaznice za beogradski nastup Jan Blomqvist-a i Henry Saiz-a nalaze se u prodaji putem mreža Eventim Serbia i GIGS TIX.

http://www.blender.co.rs/ulaznice/Blender and Beat, as two organizations similar to their musical sensibility, decided to join in on this special event on April 13 in Hangar, when the Belgrade audience will have the first chance to hear the live performance of the phenomenal Jan Blomqvist, with the band. In addition to this very special artist of the new age, on stage will be again found Henry Saiz in live performance with his band.

This evening is expected a positive charge of art energy, which will flood all the present person in Hangar.

Jan Blomqvist with his band, is currently one of the most sought after live actors in the world. Blomqvist was born in the 1980s, with a current base in Berlin. He just invented the concept of a concert performance of techno sound with dreaming vocals and simple minimal notes. Jan on his solo performances leaves clubsoul, and with his BLOMQVIST band, he presents himself with an electro-pop style, which leads to dance.
From his twenty years as a student of air engineering, he met techno and started thinking about how this music can become his profession. He slept overnight, he made tape during the night, while on the weekend he worked as a bartender at the Weekend Club. He spent all the money he earned for education in the form of a visit to Radiohead concerts, the Berlin club Bar25 and after the parties. He is guided by the idea that someday he will be able to break down boredom in clubs and bring a concert feeling to the dance floor in the form of a combination of simple vocals and minimal bits.
Finally, in 2011, there was a turning point in his career: the appearance at the Fusion Festival in front of thousands of people and releases for Dantze and Stil vor Talent. During 2012, his YouTube videos were screened by a million auditorium.
Jan Blomqvist had 350 performances in just three years, by the world’s largest metropolis. To finish his first album, he needed a lot of time, because as much as he likes pole bits, he despises half-finished jobs. The album „Remot Control“ was released in 2016 and has been a great success with its modern touch of Portishead and Radiohead, perfectly packed with an unavoidable minimum bit.

Henry Saiz is a Spanish DJ, producer and live act artist, who has been a successful career for ten years. Saiz’s success lies in his passion which he explores through an unusual approach to electronic music, combining pop elements and vocals with acoustic instruments. There is a small number of artists who are genuinely devoted to their creation in the way Henry Saiz is dedicated. He began his career 10 years ago and since then has released music on prestigious labels such as Last Night On Earth, Suara and Bedrock, and has performed at the most famous clubs and at numerous festivals around the world. Saiz’s success lies in his passion which he explores through an unusual approach to electronic music, combining pop elements and vocals with acoustic instruments.

Tickets for the Belgrade performance by Jan Blomqvist and Henry Saiz are on sale through the networks of Eventim Serbia and GIGS TIX.



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