Nakon izuzetno uspešne svetske turneje 3-D koncerata, elektro-pioniri Kraftwerk nastupaju 24. februara u Štark Areni.
Spajajući muziku i performans, Kraftwerk 3-D koncerti predstavljaju pravi „Gesamtkunstwerk – potpuno umetničko delo“.
Multimedijski projekat Kraftwerk pokrenuli su 1970. godine Ralf Hiter (Ralf Hütter) i Florijan Šnajder (Florian Schneider). Postavili su svoj elektronski Kling Klang Studio u Dizeldorfu, u Nemačkoj, gde su osmislili i producirali sve Kraftwerk albume.
Do sredine sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka grupa Kraftwerk ostvarila je međunarodnu slavu na osnovu svojih revolucionarnih elektronskih „zvučnih krajolika“ i muzičkih eksperimenata sa robotikom i drugim tehničkim inovacijama. Svojim vizijama budućnosti, grupa Kraftwerk stvorila je zvučnu podlogu za digitalno doba 21. veka.
Njihove kompozicije, koje koriste inovativne tehnike, sintetičke glasove i kompjuterizovane ritmove, imale su ogroman uticaj na međunarodnom nivou i u čitavom nizu muzičkih žanrova: od elektro muzike do hip-hopa, od tehna do sintpopa.
Svojim živim nastupima Kraftwerk – Ralf Hiter, Hening Šmic, Fric Hilpert i Falk Grifenhagen – ilustruju svoje verovanje u odgovarajući doprinos kako čoveka, tako i mašine.
Počevši sa retrospektivom njihovog izdanja The Catalogueu Muzeju savremene umetnosti u Njujorku 2012. godine, poslednjih godina grupa Kraftwerk zatvorila je krug i vratila se svojim korenima koji leže u umetničkoj sceni Dizeldorfa sa kraja šezdesetih godina.
Serija 3-D koncerata u muzeju MoMA propraćena je daljim prezentacijama u prostorima Tate Modern Turbine Hall (London), Akasaka Blitz (Tokio) Opera House (Sidnej), Walt Disney Concert Hall (Los Anđeles), Fondation Louis Vuitton (Pariz) i Neue National Galerie (Berlin).
Godine 2014. Ralf Hiter i njegov bivši partner ovenčani su Gremi nagradom za životnodelo.Following the highly successful world tour of 3-D concerts, electro-pioneers Kraftwerk perform on February 24 at Stark Arena.
By combining music and performance, Kraftwerk 3-D concerts represent the true „Gesamtkunstwerk – a complete artwork“.
Kraftwerk’s multimedia project was launched in 1970 by Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider. They set up their electronic Kling Klang Studio in Düsseldorf, Germany, where they designed and produced all Kraftwerk albums.
Until the mid-1970s, the Kraftwerk Group achieved international fame based on its revolutionary electronic „sound landscapes“ and music experiments with robotics and other technical innovations. With its visions of the future, the Kraftwerk Group has created a sound surface for the digital age of the 21st century.
Their compositions, which use innovative techniques, synthetic voices and computerized rhythms, had enormous influence at the international level and in a variety of music genres: from electro music to hip-hop, from techno to synthpop.
With their live performances Kraftwerk – Ralf Hitler, Hening Schmidt, Fric Hilpert and Falk Grifenhagen – illustrate their belief in the corresponding contribution of both man and machine.
Beginning with the retrospective of their release The Catalog to the Museum of Contemporary Art in New York in 2012, in recent years, the Kraftwerk group closed the circle and returned to its roots in the artistic scene of Düsseldorf in the late 1960s.
The series of 3-D concerts at the MoMA Museum is accompanied by further presentations in the Tate Modern Turbine Hall (London), Akasaka Blitz (Tokyo) Opera House (Sydney), Walt Disney Concert Hall (Los Angeles), Louis Vuitton Foundation (Paris) and Neue National Galerie (Berlin).
In 2014, Ralf Hitler and his former partner were awarded the Gremi Animal Award.