Lansiranje 03.03.2018.Drugstore

Lansiranje 03.03.2018.Drugstore
Bulevar Despota Stefana 115 Beograd

Lansiranje is a new thematic party series known for out-of-this-world Stargate meets Star Trek scenery and diverse lineups. The party will be held on two stages specially named for this occasion as Venusian Horizons and Quasar. The girls behind the collective have their hands deep into the theme and they prepared a special note to all visitors:

„Helmets on! Blastoff! We’re opening portals to outer dimensions.
In one earthly night, you’ll travel through several cosmic planes, ride asteroids. We’ve prepared two launching stations to ensure a safe take-off:
/ / / V E N U S I A N H O R I Z O N S
M a t e j R u s m i r
L u u k d e J u u n g
N e u t r o n

Q U A S A R / / /
R i k a l o s k i
T a r a s
Feel free to stop by the lil cosmic dust pit on your break from flying for a space dust refill – they say it’s essential for a good flow.“

more info soon…Lansiranje is a new thematic party series known for out-of-this-world Stargate meets Star Trek scenery and diverse lineups. The party will be held on two stages specially named for this occasion as Venusian Horizons and Quasar. The girls behind the collective have their hands deep into the theme and they prepared a special note to all visitors:

„Helmets on! Blastoff! We’re opening portals to outer dimensions.
In one earthly night, you’ll travel through several cosmic planes, ride asteroids. We’ve prepared two launching stations to ensure a safe take-off:
/ / / V E N U S I A N H O R I Z O N S
M a t e j R u s m i r
L u u k d e J u u n g
N e u t r o n

Q U A S A R / / /
R i k a l o s k i
T a r a s
Feel free to stop by the lil cosmic dust pit on your break from flying for a space dust refill – they say it’s essential for a good flow.“

more info soon…


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