Manivi, bend podstaknut kantautorstvom divne Ivana Vukmirovic, ulepšaće svima koji su zaljubljeni (u soulful zvuk!) sredu 14. februar kada će nastupiti sa svojim bendom u SOUL Society stari Bitef u 22h.
Ivana beogradsku publika mađija mesecima svojim nastupima u Beogradu, posebno kada se na koncertu Robert Glaspera popela na binu sa svojim vrhunskim bendom i predstavila svoj album svim onim ušima koje cene kvalitetan, moderan i iskren zvuk.
Kao najveće bogatstvo koje čovek može da poseduje (Mani), Ivana oko sebe okuplja najvrsnije muzičare sa kojima se muzički poigrava oko soul-a, alternativnog popa, mile elektronike i fuzije drugih žanrova:
Dragan Ćalina – klavijature
Pedja Milutinovic – bubanj
Dejan Antovic – bas
Pored autorskog materijala, Ivanin bend će na repertoaru imati i numereErykah Badu, Hiatus Kaiyote, D’Angelo i Robert Glasper.
Vidimo se zaljubljeni ljudi!
Cena ulaznice: 250 dinara
U ljubavi je 1+1 = 1 tako da parovi, za vas jedna ulaznica dovoljna! 🙂
📌Soul Society (stari Bitef)- Skver Mire Trailović, Dorćol
☎ Rezervacije: 063.377.420Manivi, a band inspired by the canvassing of the wonderful Ivan Vukmirovic, will appeal to everyone who is in love (in a soulful sound!) Wednesday February 14th when he will perform with his band in SOUL Society the old Bitef at 22h.
Ivana Belgrade audience in May for their performances in Belgrade, especially when at the concert of Robert Glasper she climbed onto stage with her top band and presented her album with all those ears that appreciate high quality, modern and honest sound.
As the greatest wealth that a person can possess (Mani), Ivana gathers around him the most influential musicians with whom he plays music, soul, alternative pop, mile electronics and fusion of other genres:
Dragan Ćalina – keyboards
Pedja Milutinovic – drum
Dejan Antovic – bass
In addition to the authorial material, Ivan’s band will also have the tracks on the repertoire Erykah Badu, Hiatus Kaiyote, D’Angelo and Robert Glasper.
See you in love with people!
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Entrance fee: 250 dinars
In love is 1 + 1 = 1 so that couples, for you one ticket is enough! 🙂
📌Soul Society (old Bitef) – Mire Trailović Square, Dorćol
☎ Reservations: 063.377.420