Za nešto više od mesec dana nakon zakazivanja koncerta, Massimo je uspeo da rasproda Sava centar! Karata za koncert 22. decembra više nema, ali će se zbog velikog interesovanja održati još jedan, dan kasnije, 23. decembra. Massimo će sa svojim bendom još jednom obradovati publiku dvosatnim muzičkim putovanjem. Jedan od najvećih beogradskih koncertnih prostora, koji je kroz svoju istoriju ugostio mnoge čuvene muzičare, dva dana zaredom u decembru biće u znaku brojnih velikih hitova ovog umetnika koji je prevalio 30 godina muzičkog rada.
Nakon hvaljenog albuma „1 dan ljubavi“ Massimo je pesmom „1000 ljudi“ i aktuelnim singlom „Neka ti plove brodovi“ najavio rad na novom studijskom albumu. Početkom decembra biće objavljena nova pesma koju će premijerno izvoditi na koncertima u Srbiji.
Ovaj nadareni pevač mnogo je puta punio Sava centar, a poznato je da su njegovi koncerti rasprodati danima unapred. Svaki Massimov koncert je poseban i inovativan događaj koji pomera granice, kako kreativne tako i produkcijske.
Nove pesme i koncerti, s naglaskom na vrhunski nivo muziciranja, uvek su bili Massimov podsticaj da potraži neke nove maksimume i ispiše još uspešnija poglavlja u biografiji.
Prodaja ulaznica na blagajni Sava Centra i preko mreže Eventim.
Category Concert program
Date 23 December 2017 20:00
Space Great Hall
Phone 220-60-60
Ticket price: 1900, 2400 and 2700 dinars
In just over a month after the concert was scheduled, Massimo managed to sell the Sava Center! Karate for the concert on December 22 is no longer, but due to great interest, one more day, on December 23, will be held. Massimo will once again enrich the audience with a two-hour musical journey with his band. One of the biggest Belgrade concert venues, hosted by many famous musicians through its history, two days in a row in December will be marked by numerous great hits of this artist who has passed 30 years of musical work.
After the praised album „1 Day of Love“, Massimo announced the work on a new studio album with the song „1000 People“ and the current single „Let Your Ships Shine“. At the beginning of December, a new song will be released, which will be premiered at concerts in Serbia.
This gifted singer has been filled with Sava Center many times, and it is known that his concerts are sold out for days in advance. Every Massimov concert is a special and innovative event that moves the boundaries, both creative and production.
New songs and concerts, with an emphasis on top level playing, have always been Massim’s incentive to look for some new maxims and print even more successful chapters in biography.
Sale of tickets at the Sava Center cashier and through the Eventim network.