MAXIMALNA LJUBAV je nastavak tradicije Maksovih neponovljivih rođendanskih žureva prepoznatljivih po atmosferi, energiji, okupljanju prijatelja i sjajnoj eklektičnoj muzici koja se kretala u najrazličitijim pravcima.
BAUK, u skoro originalnom sastavu, bez nezamenljivog njega, ali sa najboljom mogućom zamenom, njom, obeležava Maksov rodjendan, dan ljubavi i ko šta voli.
HPBD Igor Whiskas Maksimović ♥ ♥ ♥
Od 10 do 11:30 vas, uz piće dobrodošlice, očekuju dobro poznati zvuci Maksovih mikseva, a nakon toga nas kroz eklektični svet elektronike vode:
:::Grooyah::: :::Waweritza::: :::H!::: :::Dica:::
:::Kalson::: :::ShinyD::: :::Aleksandar Milić:::
Ulaz je 200 dinaraMAXIMUM LOVE is a continuation of the tradition of Max’s unforgettable birthdays that are recognizable by the atmosphere, the energy, the gathering of friends, and the great eclectic music that has moved in a variety of directions.
BAUK, in its original composition, with no unmanageable care, but with the best possible replacement, it marks the birthday of Maks, the day of love and whoever likes it.
HPBD Igor Whiskas Maksimovic ♥ ♥ ♥
From 10am to 11.30pm, you, with a welcome drink, expect the well-known sounds of Max Mixes, and after that, through the eclectic world of electronics,
::: Grooyah ::: ::: Waweritza ::: ::: H! ::: ::: Dica :::
::: Kalson ::: ::: ShinyD ::: ::: Aleksandar Milić :::
The entry is 200 dinars