Mravi & Auf Wiedersehen @ Festival „Vračar Rocks“
Božidarac , subota 25. novembar 2017. od 20h
Karte 400 din. @ FELIX Shop, TC Sremska, na ulazu 500 din.
Prvi put zajedno, kultni bend Mravi i bend novog milenijuma Auf Wiedersehen (Zdravo, doviđenja) u Božidarcu, 25. Novembra u 20h priređuju rokenrol veče puno furioznih ritmova, psihodeličnih gitara, nekad suptilne, nekad nojzične elektronike, vokalnih narativa i emotivnog naboja. Biće i dragih gostiju, a bendovi će biti podržani tehnikom koja se specijalno za ovaj događaj doprema u Božidarac. & Auf Wiedersehen @ Festival „Vracar Rocks“
Bozidarac, Saturday 25 November 2017 from 20h
Maps 400 din. @ FELIX Shop, TC Sremska, at entrance 500 din.
For the first time, the cult band Ants and the band of the new millennium Auf Wiedersehen (Hail, Goodbye) in Božidarac, November 25 at 08 pm, arrange rocker roll nights with a lot of furious rhythms, psychedelic guitars, sometimes subtle, sometimes arched electronics, vocal narratives and emotional charges. Brave and dear guests, and the bands will be supported by the technique that specially for this event is given in Bozidarac.