Nirvana Night / MTV Unplugged in NY / 15.01,2018. bife Ventil

Nirvana Night / MTV Unplugged in NY / 15.01,2018. bife Ventil
Kapetan Mišina 14, Beograd

Veče Nirvane!
Projekcija na zidu: MTV Unplugged in New York (1993)

U ponedeljak gledamo i slušamo jedan od najčuvenijih unplugged nastupa.
Koncert je sniman u novembru 1993. godine, pola godine pre smrti Kurt Cobain-a, a sam album je izdat godinu dana kasnije i prvi je posthumni album koji je bend izbacio.

Sam koncert je bio atipičan jer je Nirvana izvodila uglavnom svoje manje čuvene stvari, uz nekoliko obrada, što do tada nije bio slučaj sa drugim bendovima na MTV unplugged seriji.

Posle projekcije veče nastavljamo uz muziku Nirvane sa njihova tri albuma i uz druge materijale. A možda ubacimo i ponešto od Dave Grohl-a, Mark Lanegana-a ili nešto od kolega-bendova iz Sijetla..

Ponedeljak od 19hNight of Nirvane!
Wall Projection: MTV Unplugged in New York (1993)

On Monday we watch and listen to one of the most famous unplugged performances.
The concert was filmed in November 1993, half a year before the death of Kurt Cobain, and the album was released a year later and the first posthumous album released by the band.

The concert itself was atypical because Nirvana performed mostly her lesser-known stuff, with a few editions, which until then was not the case with other bands on the MTV unplugged series.

After the projection night, we continue with the music of Nirvana with their three albums and with other materials. And maybe we can add some of Dave Grohl’s, Mark Lanegan’s, or some of his fellow bands from Svetl ..

Monday from 19h


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