Ponuda za Novu Godinu 2018
Restoran Filmski Grad Vam želi predstaviti svoju ponudu za organizaciju proslave. Bilo bi nam izuzetno zadovoljstvo da budemo Vaši domaćini u jednoj od lepših večeri u Vašem životu.
Neka Vam naše dugogodišnje iskustvo bude najbolja preporuka da nam se obratite sa poverenjem.
Restoran “Filmski Grad” je smešten u srcu najlepšeg dela, kako Beograda, tako i same Čukarice (Košutnjaku), koji će Vam pružiti mogućnost da Novogodisnju noc provedete uz sjajnu i bogatu domaću ili internacionalnu kuhinju, spremnu od strane naših iskusnih i veštih kuvara, koji Vas neće nikako ostaviti ravnodušnim. Naše sale u sklopu restorana su klimatizovane.
Prva sala Filmski Grad poseduje 260 mesta a druga sala, Filmska Zvezda poseduje 320 mesta.
Filmska Zvezda je novootvoreni lokal u sklopu Filmskog Grada. Lokal je moderno uredjen, a od nedavno su u sklopu Filmske Zvezde i apartmani koji su uradeni u modernom i luksuznom stilu.
Obe sale restorana raspolažu profesionalnim sistemima za rasvetu i ozvučenje, poseduju i ventilaciju kao i obezbedjen parking prostor. Prostor obe baste i obe sale restorana su pod video nadzorom.
Naše stručno i ljubazno osoblje učiniće sve da se u najludjoj noći bajkovito provedete.
Ne verujte rečima, već nas posetite na adresi: Ul.Kneza Višeslava br.88 u najlepšem delu Košutnjaka, i uverite se i sami.
Očekujemo Vas!
Meni restorana za svečanu večeru:
Za proslavu svečane večere nudimo SET MENI koji se sastoji od:
Predjela (suvi vrat, suva pečenica, suvi svinjski but, urnebes salata, domaći sir, masline, paradajz, pita sa sirom, ruska salata, jaje)
Glavnog jela (praseće pečenje , rolovana punjena plećka, rolovano punjeno pileće meso sa pekarskim krompirom)
Salata –(svež kupus ,paradajz,krastavac, ljuta paprika, zelena sveža paprika)
U cenu menija je uračunato i neograničeno domaće piće:
Aperitiv (rakije-domaća šljiva, viljamovka, kajsijevača, dunjevača, stomaklija, crnogorska loza; vermut, votka, vinjak, gorki list – pelinkovac)
Crna vina (Crnogorski Vranac, Makedonska Kratošija)
Bela vina (Chardonnay Crnogorski, Smederevka Tikveš)
Piva (Lav, Zaječarsko)
Sokovi (Nektar ili Next – jabuka, breskva, đus, jagoda)
Gazirani sokovi (Koka kola, Fanta, Sweppes bitter lemon, tonik)
Vode (Knjaz Miloš,Voda Vrnjci, Aqua Viva)
Kafe (domaća kafa, espresso kafa, nes kafa)
Strano piće po promotivnim cenama! Za Najbolji provod u gradu u restoranu FILMSKA ZVEZDA u Novogodišnjoj noci zadužen je – Mladen Cetanović –MLAĐA sa FG BENDOM a u restoranu FILMSKI GRAD za vas peva Sonja Kocić I Darko Pesić
-Restoran takođe nudi i svoje fotografske usluge FOTO STUDIA “BB”.
–Cena ponude po osobi je 5.000 din
-Ukoliko Vam odgovara naša ponuda možete nas kontaktirati na broj telefona:
011 3559 180 , 062 481 676
-Vaše sugestije nam mozete poslati na mail restorana:
-Ako želite detaljnije da pogledate izgled restorana, posetite nas sajt:
-Srdačan pozdrav od uprave restorana FILMSKI GRAD
Klikom na link možete preuzeti ponudu u pdf-u
Offer for the New Year 2018
The Film City/ Fikmski grad restaurant presents you offer for the organization of New Year s Eve. It would be a great pleasure for us to be your hosts in one of the most beautiful nights in the year.
Let our longstanding experience be the best recommendation for you to contact us with trust.
The „Film City“ restaurant is located in the heart of the most prettiest part of Belgrade, as well as Chukarica (Koshutnjak), which will give you the chance to spend New Year’s Eve with a splendid and rich domestic or international cuisine prepared by our experienced and sophisticated chef s, which will never leave you indifferent. Our restaurants hall are air-conditioned.
The first hall of the Film City has 260 places and the other hall, the Film Star has 320 places.
Film Star is a newly opened business within the Film City. The Film Star is modernly furnished, within the frame have recently been and the suites that are made in a modern and luxurious style.
Both restaurant salons have professional lighting and sound systems, they also have ventilation as well as a secured parking space. The premises of both gardens and both restaurants salons are under video surveillance.
Our professional and friendly staff will do everything to spend the fairy tale in the craziest night.
Do not trust the words, but visit us at: Ul.Kneza Viseslava number 88 in the most delicate part of Koshutnjak, and make sure.
We are expecting you!
To celebrate the gala night we offer SET MENI which consists of:
Appetizers (dried neck, dried pork, pork but lamb, homemade cheese, olives, tomato, pie with cheese, Russian salad, egg)
Main diner (roasted pork, roasted fillet, chicken stuffed with bacon potatoes)
Salad – (fresh cabbage, tomato, cucumber, hot pepper, green fresh pepper)
The menu price includes unlimited local drinks:
Aperitif (brandy-homemade plum, pear, apricot, quince, vermouth, vodka, wine,wormwood drink)
Black wine (Montenegrin Vranac – , Macedonian Kratoshija)
White Wine (Chardonnay Montenegrin, Smederevo s Tikveš)
Beer (Lav, Zaječar)
Juices (Nectar or Next – apple, peach, orange, strawberry)
Soda drink (Coke, Fanta, Sweppes bitter lemon, tonic)
Water (Knjaz Milos, Voda Vrnjci, Aqua Viva)
Coffee (domestic coffee, espresso coffee, no coffee)
Strange drinks at promotional prices!
For the Best Time in the City at the FILM STAR Restaurant in New Year’s Eve is in charge – Mladen Cetanovic -MLADjA with FG BEND and at the FILMS CITY Restaurant for you Sonja Kocic & Darko Pesic
-Resautoran also offers its photographic services PHOTO STUDY „BB“.
-Price per person is 5.000 din
-If you are interested for our offer you can contact us by phone:
011 3559 180 or 062 481 676
-More suggestions can be sent to the restaurant’s mail:
-If you want more detail to look at the inside of the restaurant, visit us on the site:
– Best Regards from Restaurant Management FILMS CITY
Klikom na link možete preuzeti ponudu u pdf-u