Nastavlja se najduža muzička tradicija u srpskom rokenrolu – 26 godina zaredom grupa „Orthodox Celts” ima samostalni koncert na isti dan. I ove godine će Dan Svetog Patrika, 17. mart obeležiti velikim koncertom u Domu omladine Beograda.
„Kelti” su nas već navikli da pomeraju granice svog delovanja iz godine u godinu, iz koncerta u koncert, tako da će ove godine njihov rođendan imati veću specifičnu težinu nego prethodnih puta.
Aca Seltik tim povodom kaže: „Naše novo rođendansko slavlje će ove godine u sebi nositi i jednu novu dimenziju radosti i uzbuđenja. Naime, posle četvrt veka, idemo put Irske krajem aprila, a na zelenom ostrvu ćemo provesti pet dana. I u toku tog iščekivanja, kao šlag na torti, dolazi veliki koncert u Domu omladine, u prostoru koji naša publika definitivno voli i koji nam dozvoljava da spojimo tradiciju i sadašnji trenutak Orthodox Celtsa. Da se ikonografijom malo vratimo u vreme kada smo počinjali, a da novim pesmama i izgledom odemo još jedan korak dalje. Definitivno će ovo biti vrlo uzbudljiv i emotivan koncert.”
„Kelti” su za 25 godina rada objavili šest studijskih albuma sa tradicionalnim irskim i autorskim pesmama, a poslednji album „Many Mouths Shut” su izdali prošle godine za sopstveni label O’Celts Records.
Prodaja ulaznica na svim prodajnim mestima Eventima, DD Tickets i GigsTixa po cenama:
100 kom / 1000 dinara
100 kom / 1150 dinara
100 kom / 1250 dinara
Ostale 1350 dinara
Na dan koncerta cena ulaznice je 1550 dinara.
Vidimo se! :)The longest musical tradition in Serbian rock’n’roll continues – 26 years in a row, the group „Orthodox Celts“ has an independent concert on the same day. This year, St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, will mark the grand concert at the Belgrade Youth Center.
The Celts have already become accustomed to shifting the boundaries of their performance from year to year, from the concert to the concert, so this year their birthday will have a greater specific weight than the previous times.
Aca Celtic said on this occasion: „Our new birthday celebration will carry a new dimension of joy and excitement this year. Namely, after a quarter of a century, we are going the Irish route in late April, and on the green island we will spend five days. And during this anticipation, like a cream on a cake, a big concert in the Youth Center comes in the space that our audience definitely loves and which allows us to connect the tradition and the present moment of Orthodox Celts. To get back to the iconography a little while at the time we started, and to make new songs and look a bit further. Definitely this will be a very exciting and emotional concert. “
The Celts have released six studio albums with traditional Irish and author songs for 25 years, and the last album „Many Mouths Shut“ released last year for their own label O’Celts Records.
Ticket sales at all sales outlets Eventima, DD Tickets and GigsTix at prices:
100 pcs / 1000 dinars
100 pcs / 1150 dinars
100 pcs / 1250 dinars
The other 1350 dinars
On the day of the concert, the price of the ticket is 1550 dinars.
See you! 🙂