Misteriozni, tajanstveni i zaboravljeni Beograd vas čeka!
Krećemo u obilazak gradskih tajni sa Kalemegdana ispred Spomenika zahvalnosti Francuskoj. Idemo u Rimski bunar, potom u tajanstveni vojni bunker na špicu Kalemegdana, a potom silazimo u Veliki barutni magacin, u kojem se čuvaju najstariji rimski spomenici antičkog Singidunuma. Putanju završavamo u Vinskim lagumima u Karađorđevoj ulici, gde goste očekuje osveženje i vino.
Domaćin je poznati beogradski novinar, istraživač i pisac,
Zoran Nikolić. Cena je 950 dinara, prijave na telefon 064 1428774Mysterious, mysterious and forgotten Belgrade is waiting for you!
We start a tour of the city secrets from Kalemegdan in front of the Thanksgiving Monument to France. We go to the Roman Well, then into a mysterious military bunker at the pier of Kalemegdan, and then we descend to the Great Barrack Warehouse, which preserves the oldest Roman monuments of ancient Singidunum. We end our trip to the Vinica lagoons in Karadjordjeva Street, where guests expect refreshment and wine.
The host is a famous Belgrade journalist, researcher and writer,
Zoran Nikolic. The price is 950 dinars, registration on the phone 064 1428774
Otkrivanje tajni Beograda šetnjom kroz vekove 23 i 30.12.2017.

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