Izvođenjem predstave NEURUČENA PISMA, Kulturni centar Beograda otvara prostor Galerije Podroom za nove scenske forme i performanse!
U želji da proširimo i osnažimo svoju programsku delatnost, uvođenjem novih oblika izvođačko-scenskih praksi, kao i da istaknemo i ojačamo prisutnost i vidljivost prostora Galerije Podroom kao jedinstvenog umetničkog prostora, započinjemo rad na novoj programskoj celini koja će se baviti pre svega novim scenskim oblicima.
Ovaj novi scenski prostor igre pod nazivom DONJI NIVO, biće otvoren za sve umetnike, pre svega pozorišne, koji istražuju nove forme, novi scenski jezik, nove poetike i načine komunikacije s publikom, koji kroz pop-kulturne fenomene ispituju kompleksnost svakodnevice i na originalni način promišljaju izvođačke prakse, društvenu stvarnost i savremeni trenutak.
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26.11. u 20h NEURUČENA PISMA, virtuelna prepiska Isidore Sekulć i Albera Kamija.
Igraju: Dušanka Stojanović Glid i Goran Jevtić
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Autor projekta: Dušanka Glid Stojanović
Glumci: Ljubomir Bandović, Hana Selimović, Vladimir Aleksić
Dramaturg Neda Gojković
Muzičari: Nikola Dragović – violina, Vladimir Gurbaj – klarinet, Đorđe Antić – trombon, Ivan Mirković – harmonika, Miša Jovanović – udaraljke, Irena Popović – klavir i kompozitor
Tema ovog muzičko-dramskog manifesta je tvrdnja da je najgore vreme za život, ujedno i najbolje vreme za stvaralaštvo. Tegobe egzistencijalizma i stradanje u mračnom vremenu, svevremenu. Vinaver, Majakovski, Breht, Kafka koji poručuju da moramo da proglasimo da smo svesni.
Ulaz besplatan!By performing the play UNUSED LETTER, the Cultural Center of Belgrade opens the Podroom Gallery for new scenic forms and performances!
In order to expand and strengthen our program activity, by introducing new forms of performance and practice, as well as to emphasize and strengthen the presence and the visibility of the Podroom Gallery as a unique art space, we will begin work on a new program unit that will deal primarily with new scenic forms .
This new scenic space of the game called LOW LEVEL, will be open to all artists, primarily theater, who explore new forms, new scenic language, new poetics and ways of communication with the audience, who through the pop-cultural phenomena examine the complexity of everyday life and in the original way they think about performing practices, social reality and the modern moment.
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26.11. at 08 pm UNSURVED LETTERS, virtual correspondence Isidora Sekulć and Albero Kamija.
They play: Dusanka Stojanovic Glid and Goran Jevtic
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Project author: Dušanka Glid Stojanović
Actors: Ljubomir Bandovic, Hana Selimovic, Vladimir Aleksic
Dramaturg Neda Gojković
Musicians: Nikola Dragović – violin, Vladimir Gurbaj – clarinet, Djordje Antić – trombone, Ivan Mirković – accordion, Miša Jovanović – percussion, Irena Popović – piano and composer
The theme of this musical-dramatic manifest is the claim that the worst time to live is also the best time for creativity. The difficulties of existentialism and the suffering in the dark, contemporary. Vinaver, Mayakovsky, Brecht, Kafka who say that we must declare that we are aware.
Entrance free!