Premijerno pred niškom publikom promovišemo CD izdanje sa 15 numera britanske muzike koje su obradili, snimili i aranžirali bendovi iz Srbije i na taj način prikazali koja i kakva je muzika Velike Britanije oblikovala srpsku scenu.
Od prve „invazije” britanske muzike sa kraja pedesetih, Bitlmanije, gruvi šezdesetih, koloritnih sedamdesetih, rađanja panka, Kul Britanije i Britpopa pa do danas od 21h razgovaramo sa akterima lokalne scene, Milošem i Petrom iz benda Prljave sestre i Aleksandrom Nikolićem –
Nakon toga od 22h nastupi sastava: Prljave Sestre Empathy_Soul_ProjectComme Il Faut
Ulaz je besplatan.
Muzički karavan nakon Beograda, seli se u Kragujevac 9. decembar, Niš 14. decembra i 16. decembra u Novom Sadu.
Projekat „Uticaji“ realizuje se u sklopu programa obeležavanja 180 godina diplomatskih odnosa UK i Srbije, a na tragu je nastupa brojnih popularnih britanskih bendova u Srbiji, kao i važnih snimaka koje su jugoslovenski i srpski bendovi napravili u Velikoj Britaniji.
The concert tour of the project „Influences – influences of British music in Serbia“ arrives in Niš to the Feedback Club on December 14th.
In the premiere, in front of the Nis audience, we are promoting a CD release with 15 songs of British music that processed, recorded and arranged bands from Serbia, thus showing which and what kind of UK music has shaped the Serbian scene.
From the first „invasion“ of British music from the end of the fifties, Bitlmania, grass in the sixties, colorful seventies, the birth of punk, Kul Britani and Britpop to the present day from 21h, we are talking with the actors of the local scene, Miloš and Petar from the band of Dirty Sisters and Aleksandar Nikolić –
After that, from 22h there will be the composition: Prljave Sestre Empathy_Soul_ProjectComme Il Faut
The entrance is free.
Music caravan after Belgrade, moves to Kragujevac on December 9, Nis on December 14 and December 16 in Novi Sad.
The Impact Project is being implemented as part of the program of marking 180 years of diplomatic relations between the UK and Serbia, and on the track there are numerous popular British bands in Serbia, as well as important recordings made by Yugoslav and Serbian bands in the United Kingdom.