I, dok pljesnete dlanom o dlan (ili…), udruženje Kultura SM poziva vas na sada već treću žurku u svojoj organizaciji: PURE FETISH NIGHT. Kao i prethodne dve, žurka će biti održana u prostorijama Kinky Club-a u Beogradu (Nikole Spasića 3), ovog puta u subotu, 25. novembra, s početkom u 23h.
Dakle, PURE FETISH NIGHT: za neke groznica, za neke podvig, za neke oba, ali svakako noć želje za dobrom zabavom, druženjem i prepuštanjem (najpre) sebi.
Nemojte propustiti priliku da zajedno iznova pokrenemo i prokrvimo priče koje najčešće tako tajnovito smišljamo, pričamo i prošaptavamo.
Muzička podrška PURE FETISH NIGHT večeri biće DJ Akasha, a Kultura SM sprema i tri prave male nezaobilaznosti! Među nama gizdavo će hoditi Madam Grizelda, koja vašu sudbinu pronalazi na dlanu, u kartama ili pasulju, ali i ona će odvratiti pogled od proricanja sudbina ne bi li ispratila naše sjajne performere. Ali, oni ostaju tajna, jer želimo da uz zadovoljni osmeh sakrijemo načine na koje će iskazati svoje Femdom i Maledom strasti, veštine i…oštrine…
Cena ulaza je 200 dinara. Članovi KSM-a ne plaćaju ulaz.
Do naše skore fetišističke noći,
Kultura SMAnd, as you clap your hands (or …), Association Culture SM invites you to the third party in your organization: PURE FETISH NIGHT. Like the previous two, the party will be held at the Kinky Club in Belgrade (Nikole Spasic 3), this time on Saturday, November 25th, starting at 23h.
So, PURE FETISH NIGHT: for some fever, for some venture, for some of them, but definitely a night of desire for good fun, socializing and giving up (first) to yourself.
Do not miss the chance to re-launch together and bake the stories that we most often mysteriously conceive, talk and whisper.
Music support of PURE FETISH NIGHT will be DJ Akasha, and Culture SM will also make three real small inevitability! Madam Grizeld will walk passionately among us, who finds your destiny in the palm of your hand, in the cards or beans, but she also will distract the view from the fate of destiny in order to accompany our great performers. But they remain secret, because we want to hide with a happy smile the ways in which they will express their Femdom and Maledom passion, skills and … sharpness …
The entrance fee is 200 dinars. KSM members do not pay entrance.
To our sketch of the fetish night,
Culture SM
Pure Fetish Night 25.11.2017. kinky Club
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