U ponedeljak 16.4, u 19 časova, u Galeriji SULUJ, izložbu ciklusa asamblaža pod nazivom Reciklaža igre, otvara umetnik mlađe generacije Ivan Kocić. Serija radova predstavlja istraživanje u oblasti portreta, sačinjenih od starih dečjih igračaka i drugih potrošenih i odbačenih predmeta, koji kroz proces reciklaže, ne industrijske već umetničke, pronalaze novu svrhu i smisao.On Monday, April 16th, at 7 pm, in the SULU Gallery, the exhibition of the cycle of asamblass called Recycling game will be opened by the younger generation artist Ivan Kocic. A series of papers is a portrait survey composed of old children’s toys and other consumed and rejected items that find a new purpose and meaning through the recycling process, not industrial or artistic.
Reciklaža igre / Ivan Kocić 16.04.2018.Galerija Suluj