I ove godine Reel Rock film tour dolazi u Srbiju.
U sredu 22. novembra u 20h u velikoj sali Doma omladine Beograda imaćete priliku da pogledate kolaž najboljih penjačkih filmova u 2017. godini. Cena ulaznice je 200 din.
Kao uvod filmu, od 18h u holu ispred sale, biće organizovani Outdoor susreti #3. Tu ćete moći da se upoznate sa još nekim outdoor sportovima srodnim penjanju, ali i da se informišete koje se sve to zanimljive trke u prirodi spremaju za sledeću sezonu. Ulaz slobodan.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jpkcX0wH64This year the Reel Rock film tour is coming to Serbia.
On Wednesday, November 22, at 08 pm, you will have the opportunity to see the collage of the best climbing films in 2017 in the big hall of the Youth Center of Belgrade. The price of the ticket is 200 din.
As an introduction to the film, from 06 in the lobby in front of the shop, Outdoor Meetings # 3 will be organized. There you will be able to get acquainted with some other outdoor sports related climbing, but also to get to know all about interesting races in nature are being prepared for the next season. Entrance free.