U jedinstvenom i elegantnom prostoru u hotelu kategorizovanom sa četiri zvezdice restoran Fors Dočekajte Novu Godinu u modernom ambijentu, uz iskusan tim ugostitelja koji će ispuniti sve vaše želje, sumirajte sve lepe trenutke koje ste doživeli tokom ove godine u novogodišnjoj noći. Ljubitelji restoranskog dočeka, dobre hrane u prijatnoj atmosferi i dobre žive svirke, biće naši dragi gosti.
Todor i Bombastic Bend & Jelena Pavlović
Piće neograničeno
Sokovi i gazirana pića – 12 vrsta
Pivo – 6 vrsta – Lav, Jelen, Haineken, Zaječarsko, Amstel, Tuborg
Žestoka pića i vina – 12 vrsta
Ekskluzivna pića popromotivnim cenama
Hrana neograničeno
Hladno predjelo – 6 vrsta: suvi vrat, suva pečenica, ramstek, budimska, kulen, duvan čvarci
Peciva i beli mrs – 12 vrsta
Roštilj – 6 vrsta: dimljeni batak, piletina u susamu, punjeno belo, punjeni šiš, ćevapi, leskovački uštipak
Salata: sezonska salata, kupus, ljute papričice
Dezerti i voće – 12 vrsta
I zona 25 eur
II zona 30 eur
III zona 35 eur
Exclusive od 50 eur

In a unique and elegant space in a hotel categorized with four stars restaurant Fors , you will have the New Year in a modern ambience, with an experienced team of caterers who will fulfill all your wishes, summarize all the nice moments that you experienced during this year on New Year’s Eve. Lovers of restaurant welcome, good food in a pleasant atmosphere and good live music will be our dear guests.
Todor and Bombastic Bend & Jelena Pavlovic
A drink
Drinks unlimited
Juices and carbonated drinks – 12 species
Beer – 6 species – Lav, Jelen, Haineken, Zajecar, Amstel, Tuborg
Fine drinks and wines – 12 species
Exclusive drinks with pop-up prices
Food unlimited
Cold appetizer – 6 types: dry neck, dried pechenitsa, ramstek, budim, kulen, tobacco
Pastry and white mrs – 12 species
Barbecue – 6 types: smoked drumstick, chicken in sesame, stuffed white, stuffed stitches, kebabs, leskovački uštipak
Salad: seasonal salad, cabbage, hot peppers
Desserts and fruits – 12 species
The price
I Zone 25 eur
II Zone 30 eur
III zone 35 eur
Exclusive od 50 eur