Ring Ring festival 20.05.2018.SKC

Ring Ring festival 20.05.2018.SKC
Kralja Milana 48, Beograd

Poslednje veče dvadesetrećeg Ring Ringa, sa još dva koncerta. Najpre Širom iz Slovenije, trio koji je prosto eksplodirao u poslednje 3 godine. Trio koji svira veliki broj instrumenata, što klsičnih što afričkih ili azijskih. Za njih kažu „experimental folk“. Za mene, oni zaslužuju mnogo širu odrednicu. Biće to veče za pamćenje. Festival zatvara duo iz Luksemburga Nataša Grujović,harmonika i Steve Kaspar, elektronika. Savremeno, avangardno, kako hoćete, ali jedno od najprijatnijih zvučnih iznenađenja u poslednje vreme. Njihov dolazak je omogućio Fond za kulturu Luksemburga – FOCUNA.
A ceo festival je podržao Grad Beograd – Sekretarijat za kullturu.The last night of the twenty-year Ring Ring, with two more concerts. First Širi from Slovenia, a trio that just exploded in the last 3 years. A trio that plays a large number of instruments, which are as classic as African or Asian. They say „experimental folk“ for them. For me, they deserve a much wider definition. It’s gonna be a night to remember. The festival closes the duo from Luxembourg Nataša Grujović, accordion and Steve Kaspar, electronics. Modern, avant-garde, as you wish, but one of the most pleasant sound surprises lately. Their arrival was provided by the Cultural Fund of Luxembourg – FOCUNA.
And the whole festival was supported by the City of Belgrade – the Secretariat for Kullturu.


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