Skarra Mucci je umetnik sa Jamajke koji veštim kombinovanjem raznoraznih muzičkih žanrova ističe ogroman talenat a poseban lirski tok i kreativnost čine njegov muzički stil apsolutno jedinstvenim. Nastupao je širom sveta i delio bine sa najpoznatijim glasovima na ovoj planeti. Izdao je 6 albuma od kojih je „Return of the Raggamuffin“ 2012.godine krunisan za najbolji Reggae album u čitavoj Evropi. Brojni hitovi, kreativni spotovi i energični nastupi u kombinaciji sa jedinstvenim glasom, čine ga najboljim raggamuffin izvođačem današnjice. Skarra Mucci je jednostavno nezaustavljiv !!!
PONEDELJAK 30.04.2018. – Natural Mystic – GORNJI MILANOVAC
ULAZ BESPLATANSkarra Mucci is an artist from Jamaica who skillfully combines various musical genres with a huge talent and a special lyrical flow and creativity make his musical style absolutely unique. He has performed all over the world and has shared the stage with the most famous voices on this planet. He has released 6 albums of which „Return of the Raggamuffin“ in 2012 was crowned the best Reggae album in all of Europe. Numerous hits, creative spots and energetic performances combined with a unique voice make it the best raggamuffin performer of today. Scarra Mucci is simply unstoppable !!!
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MONDAY 30.04.2018. – Natural Mystic – GORNJI MILANOVAC
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Skarra Mucci 30.04.2018.Ždreban

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