Promocija romana „Start.exe“ – Uroš Antić 15.12. LEILA Records, Petak u 18h
Nestanak interneta za sedam dana – fikcija ili mogućnost? U godini u kojoj se neutralnost svetske mreže dovodi u pitanje, ova tema kao da dobija na značaju. Svesni smo važnosti koji mreža ima u našem svakodnevnom životu. Da li smo isto tako svesni i šta smo sve izgubili ili možemo da izgubimo?
Godinu i po dana posle izlaska i štampe, imate priliku da se sretnete sa autorom i da razgovarate o tome šta internet znači za vas, i kakve bi posledice imao njegov nestanak?
Na promociji možete kupiti knjigu, ili je doneti autoru da je potpiše ako je već imate.
Pozivamo vas na dva sata druženja i priče, u offline modu, u prijatnom ambijentu LEILA Records.Promotion of roman „Start.exe“ – Uroš Antić 15.12. LEILA Records, Friday at 6 pm
Internet disruption in seven days – fiction or opportunity? In the year in which the neutrality of the global network is questioned, this topic seems to be gaining importance. We are aware of the importance that the network has in our everyday lives. Are we also aware of what we have lost or can we lose?
A year and a day after the release and the press, you have the opportunity to meet with the author and to talk about what the Internet means for you, and what consequences would his disappearance have?
You can buy a book on the promotion, or it is for the author to sign it if you already have one.
We invite you to two hours of socializing and talking in offline mode, in the pleasant ambience of LEILA Records.