Stvaranje u krugu, naziv je izlozbe Nikosa Arvantidisa, kojom on implicira svoje epicentralno širenje likovnih uzdaha. Krećući se od jezgra, gde je on nesvesnom i automatskom dao svu moć, nesputanost i autonomiju, on tvori svoje zamisli ka ivicima dela, smirujući središnje trusno područje delovanja, on se priblizava pograničnim oblastima, tone u smiraj ili se uzdiže do sakralne tišine.
Nikos se volšebno poigrava nesmotreno ispisanim potezima i oblicima svesno projektovanim, poput kvadrata, pravougaonika ili kružnice, suprotstavljajući svesno nesvesnom. Svojoj mašti kao da postavlja ograničenja u datom trenutku, koji ne pretpostavljamo, jer zamah nadahnuća je upravo u tim linijama u svom zenitu. Linije tanano vibriraju, suptilnom silinom žele da smekšaju obruč koji je umetnik ustanovio, da pređu na drugu stranu, stranu kojom vladaju mir, red, statičnost, naizgled. Negde one uspevaju da se razmašu i svojom virtuoznošću i same postanu nedefinisane ograde, dopuštajući nam da pripremljeni polako skliznemo u tu drugu dimenziju. Dok na nekim radovima one ipak ostaju u striktnim okvirima, kategoričnog stava, umetnik ostaje u svojoj intenciji, da odvoji i nominalno i idejno dve plohe, dve istine jednog akta, dva načina jednog razmišljanja, dva lica jednog sagledavanja.
Nikos oponira haos tami, kontrasno ih međusobno dopunjuje, jer tako upravo svojom različitošću sinhronizovano egzistiraju. Umetnik zaokružuju jedan siže koji nas uči o neophodnosti težnje ka savršenom balansu i neisključivosti.
Isprskane strasti, dozvoljene i otpuštene, umetnute su u središte, primarne i dominantne, prelaze u svoj odjek, menjaju svoja stanja i načine ispoljavanja. Ali samo kao realizovane, dozvoljavaju ostalim osećajima, mislima i htenjima da se dese umetniku. Prividno umetnik sputava svoje strasti i instikte, drži ih stisnute ali ne i sputane, omeđene kružnicom one se vrte oko svoje ose, žive pod budnim okom umetnika, koji im diktira tempo rasplamsavanja.
Ne možeš pobeći od beskraja, bekstvom u neki drugi beskraj. Ne možeš pobeći od istovetnog obmanjujući se da možeš da pronađeš različito. ( Umberto Eko)
Krug po definiciji nema početak i nema kraj. Stvaranje u krugu nema početak, nema kraj, ima kontinuitet i zagarantovani beskraj koji daje poetičan ton i iskričavu draž celokupnoj slici koju nam umetnik daje na razmišljanje. Iako na formalnom planu imamo utisak o smeštanju i ramljenju određenih sekvenci, ipak je to suštinski uklapanje u širu sliku koja teži slobodi i neprestanosti u traganju, stvaranju i saznanju. Ta maršruta je uvek individualna, nepredvidiva, neukalupljena kako za umetnika tako i za konzumenta, gledaoca. Umetnik nesebično deli svoje istraživanje sa publikom, stimulišući je da se aktivira. Svesno ili nesvesno, traži ili dobija odgovore, na postavljena pitanja ili prećutana osećanja.
Dogodi se često da se izvesne podudarnosti tumače kao da su sudbinske, i odjednom poprimaju izgled izvanrednih znakova. Slični počeci primetni su i u razvoju vrednosti duha. Dve reči koje mu se nametnu posejaće u njemu žalju za pesmom, ili će pak buka na ulici navesti muzičara da izgradi čitavu simfoniju. Ali ove klice razvijaju se prema jasno usmerenom redu, u kome će čin komponovanja upiti u sebe i nadoknaditi sve ono što je početni događaj uzdrmao odjecima. Ovde su nered i udaljavanje prouzrokovani dešavanjem praćeni povratkom prema redu ili prema ravnoteži kroz opuštanje izazvane energije, proizvoditeljke dela. (Pol Valeri )
tekst Mira Vujović
Nikos Arvanitidis ,rođen je 12.12.1976. u Novom Sadu. Godine1995. maturirao je u Srednjoj školi Bogdan Šuput u Novom Sadu na smeru za dizajn enterijera.
2000.godine diplomirao je na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu na odseku grafike u klasi profesora ZoranaTodovića.
2009. magistrirao je na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu , na odseku grafike , sa magistarskom temom pod nazivom „KRUG“ , mentor profesor Slobodan Knežević.
Od 2001. godine član ULUV-a, a od 2012. godine član je ULKiM-a. Od 2011. godine radi kao vanredni profesor na odseku grafike Fakulteta umetnosti u Zvečanu. Izlagao je na brojnim samostalnim i grupnim izložbama u zemlji i inostranstvu.Creation in the circle, the title of the exhibition of Nikos Arvantidis, by which he implies his epicentral expansion of artistic sighs. Moving from the nucleus, where he unconsciously and automatically gave all his power, discontent and autonomy, he forms his ideas towards the edges of the work, calms the central trunk of the action, he approaches the border areas, tones into a sink or rises to the sacred silence.
Nixos plays wisely with recklessly typed moves and shapes consciously projected, like squares, rectangles or circles, opposing consciously unconscious. His imagination seems to set limits at a given moment, which we do not suppose, because the momentum of inspiration is precisely in those lines in its zenith. The lines tannano vibrate, with the subtle force they want to soften the ring that the artist has established, to switch to the other side, the side that is dominated by peace, order, static, seemingly. Somewhat they manage to delve into their virtuosity and themselves become undefined fences, allowing us to prepare the slowly slipping into this other dimension. While in some works they remain in strict frameworks, a categorical attitude, the artist stays in his intention to separate both the nominally and ideally two surfaces, the two truths of one act, the two ways of thinking, the two faces of one view.
Nikos opposes the chaos of the dark, contradicting them with each other, because they are in synchronized existence with their diversity. The artist rounded up one scroll that teaches us about the necessity of pursuing a perfect balance and non-inclusiveness.
Exhausted passions, allowed and released, are inserted into the center, primary and dominant, turning into their echo, changing their states and ways of manifestation. But only as realized, they allow other feelings, thoughts and hints to happen to the artist. Apparently, the artist hides his passions and instincts, keeps them pressed, but they are not cluttered, bounded by circles, they revolve around their axis, live under the watchful eye of an artist, who dictates them to the pace of propagation.
You can not escape from infinity, fleeing into another infinity. You can not escape the same by deception so you can find it differently. (Umberto Eco)
By definition, the circle has no beginning and no end. Creation in the circle has no beginning, no end, there is continuity and guaranteed infinity that gives a poetic tone and a sparkling charm to the whole picture given by the artist to think. Although on a formal plan we have the impression of placing and closing certain sequences, it is nevertheless an essential fit in a wider image that strives for freedom and continuity in search, creation, and knowledge. This route is always individual, unpredictable, uncompromised for both the artist and the consumer, the viewer. The artist unselfishly shares his research with the audience, stimulating it to be activated. Consciously or unconsciously, asks or receives answers, questions asked or tacit feelings.
It often happens that certain coincidences are interpreted as fateful, and suddenly they have the appearance of extraordinary signs. Similar beginnings are noticeable in the development of the spirit value. The two words imposed on him will mourn for him in the song, or the noise on the street will indicate the musician to build the entire symphony. But these calls are developed according to a clearly directed order, in which the act of composing will entail itself and compensate for all that the initial event has shaken the ears. Here, the mess and the distraction are caused by the events followed by returning to the order or balance through the relaxation of the induced energy, the workman of the work. (Paul Valeri)
text by Mira Vujovic
Nikos Arvanitidis, born 12.12.1976. in Novi Sad. Godine1995. He graduated from Bogdan Šuput Secondary School in Novi Sad on the direction for interior design.
In 2000 he graduated from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad at the graphic department in the class of professor Zoran Todovic.
In 2009, he graduated at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, at the Department of Graphic Arts, with a master thesis titled „KRUG“, mentor professor Slobodan Knežević.
Since 2001 he has been a member of ULUV, and since 2012 he has been a member of ULKiM. Since 2011 he has been working as an associate professor at the Graphic Arts Department of the Faculty of Arts in Zvecan. He has exhibited at numerous independent and group exhibitions in the country and abroad.