The Killers Night 20.01.2018. Normalno Mesto

The Killers Night 20.01.2018. Normalno Mesto
Strahinjića Bana 1, Beograd

Dame i gospodo, drugarice i drugari mormoni, jedno ubistveno vece je pred nama.
The Killers Night, vece je posveceno ovom magicnom bendu iz isto tako magicnog grada, na rubu pustinje. Nije bas uvek tacno da ono sto se dogodi u Vegasu, ostane u Vegasu.
Preko susne Nevade pa sve do Exita prosle godine, Brendon i kompanija prase i pale svojim nezaboravnim hitovima, od Mr. Brightside-a pa sve do poslednjeg The Man-a. Ovaj alternative, indie rock i post-punk revival bend jos od prvog albuma, sada vec davne 2004, Hot Fuss, pretstavlja nesto najbolje od moderne rok scene, a njihovi live nastupi nesto su najblize savrsenstvu sto nase uho i oko moze oseti. Od skoro smo i sami svedoci toga.
Veciti smekeri i borci za sve sto je dobro i pravedno, poceli su karijeru pod velikim uticajem new wave-a, njihovo ime inspirisano je jednim spotom grupe New Order, a ucestvovali su i u snimanju filma Control o grupi Joy Division kada su i obradili njihovu hit pesmu Shadowplay.

U subotu 20. januara, od 20h, imacemo priliku da uzivamo u njihovoj kompletnoj diskografiji i mnogobrojnim hitovima, a podrsku ce imati i u vidu mnogobrojnih pesama srodnih bendova danasnjice, Kings Of Leon, The Strokes, The Black Keys, The White Stripes, Arctic Monkeys, Muse, Franz Ferdinand, Kasabian, Kaiser Chiefs Coldplay, The Kooks, Imagine Dragons, Arcade Fire, Cage The Elephant, ali i vec pomenutih New Order, Joy Division, The Smiths, The Cure i mnogih drugih. Vidimo se u subotu 20. od 20h. After all, are we human or are we dancer?

Za muziku zaduzen Ogi, a vase rezervacije saljite u inbox stranice Normalnog Mesta ili pozovite 0600288834.Ladies and gentlemen, companions and friends of the Mormons, one murderous evening is ahead of us.
The Killers Night, the evening is devoted to this magical band from the same magical city, on the edge of the desert. It is not always right that what happens in Vegas remains in Vegas.
By dusk Nevada to the Exit last year, Brendon and the company piggy and fall on their unforgettable hits, from Mr. Brightside to the last The Man. This alternative, indie rock and post-punk revival band since the first album, now in 2004, Hot Fuss, represents something best from the modern rock scene, and their live performances are closest to the perfection that our ear and the eye can feel. We are almost witnesses of it.
Eating biscuits and fighters for everything that is good and fair, began their career under the great influence of the new wave, their name was inspired by a single spot by the New Order band, and they also took part in the movie Control about the Joy Division group when they worked on their hit the song Shadowplay.

On Saturday, January 20th, at 20:00, we will have the opportunity to enjoy their complete discography and numerous hits, and support will be in view of the many songs of today’s related bands, Kings Of Leon, The Strokes, The Black Keys, The White Stripes, Arctic Monkeys , Muse, Franz Ferdinand, Kasabian, Kaiser Chiefs Coldplay, The Kooks, Imagine Dragons, Arcade Fire, Cage The Elephant, but also the aforementioned New Order, Joy Division, The Smiths, The Cure and many others. I’ll see you on Saturday, 20:00. After all, are we human or are we a dancer?

For music, Ogi is in charge, and you make your booking in the inbox of the Normal Place site or call 0600288834.


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