Turisti, Remedy, Hill // Kontakt konferencija 23.03.2018.Elektropionir

Turisti, Remedy, Hill // Kontakt konferencija 23.03.2018.Elektropionir
Cetinjska 15, Beograd

Treći dan Kontakt konferencija u Elektropioniru vatrene svirke uzbudljivih mladih bendova. HillGrupa Turisti i Remedy čekaju na vas!

Hill je instrumentalni duo, osnovan u Beogradu 2015. godine. Čine ga Darko Marinković (bubnjevi) i Aleksandar Apostolovski (bas i sintisajzeri). Muzika koju stvaraju temelji se na stoner i sludge zvuku sa primesama noise, drone i psychedelic momenata.
Remedy je novi bend Nemanje Kojića Kojota, istaknutog rock/reggae muzičara i nekadašnjeg frontmena sastava Eyesburn, oformljen zajedno sa članovima bendova Sharks Snakes & Planes, Vox Populi, Dead Ideas, Bandx i Sunshine. Trojka, koja uživo zvuči kao da ih je bar duplo više, završila je snimanje svog prvog albuma koji je trenutno u fazi miksanja i uskoro ga možemo očekivati.

Nemanja Kojić Kojot – gitara i glavni vokal
Ivan Petrović – bas gitara i prateći vokal
Igor Škoro – bubnjevi i prateći vokal
Turisti su ON! Svi ga znate…
Boško Mijušković – Bole, basista grupe Straight Mickey and the Boyz, ritam sekcija supergrupe Škrtice, oživeo je TURISTE!

Osim šrto je osnivač, Bole je i jedini stalni član benda! Ostali članovi Turista, poput Boletovog brata Džimija, dolaze i odlaze… baš kao i turisti na proputovanju.

Turisti su nastali jedne noći u beogradskom naselju Žarkovo, kada je Bole inspirisan ljubavnim jadima i delta bluzom krenuo da svira akustičnu gitaru u svojoj nevelikoj sobi. Njegov brat Nikola Džimi Mijušković mu se odmah pridružio i u svega nekoliko dana nastale su pesme za prvi album Turista. Inspirisani delta bluzom, Bo Didlijem i ranim rokenrolom, Turisti se ne plaše putovanja po svim podžanrovima rok muzike koje su uticale na Boleta. I pank, i hardkor i postpank kao žanrovi iz kojih je potekao, ali i mračnija i sirovija bluz i džez muzika, eksperimentisanje sa afričkim i avangardnim ritmovima i kompjuterski programiranom muzikom… čine Turiste jedinstvenom pojavom na muzičkoj sceni Beograda.

Turisti su kratki i jasni. Direktni. A muzičko putovanje na koje nas vode je destinacija kojo će svaki slušalac želeti da se vrati. Opet. I opet. I opet…Third day Contact conferences at the Elektropionir Fire Brigade of exciting young bands. Hill, Group Tourists and Remedy are waiting for you!

Hill is an instrumental duo, founded in Belgrade in 2015. It consists of Darko Marinkovic (drums) and Aleksandar Apostolovski (bass and synthesizers). The music they create is based on stoner and sludge sound with the primes of noise, drone and psychedelic moments.
Remedy is the new band Nemanja Kojic Kojota, a prominent rock / reggae musician and former frontman of Eyesburn, formed along with band members Sharks Snakes & Planes, Vox Populi, Dead Ideas, Bandx and Sunshine. The trio, which sounds like as if at least twice as high, finished recording its first album, which is currently in the mixing phase, and we can expect it soon.

Nemanja Kojic Cojot – guitar and lead vocal
Ivan Petrovic – bass guitar and accompanying vocals
Igor Škoro – drums and accompanying vocals
Tourists are ON! You all know him …
Boško Mijušković – Bole, the bassist of the Straight Mickey and the Boyz band, the rhythm section of supergroups Skrtica, has survived TOURISTS!

In addition to the founder, Bole is also the only permanent member of the band! Other members of the Tourist, like Bilet’s brother Jimmy, are coming and going … just like tourists on the way.

Tourists were born one night in the Belgrade neighborhood of Žarkovo, when Bole was inspired by love craziness and delta blouse started playing acoustic guitar in his short room. His brother Nikola Džimi Mijušković joined him immediately and in just a few days songs for the first album Turista were made. Inspired by the delta blues, Bo Didley and early rock’n’roll, Tourists are not afraid of traveling to all sub-genres of rock music that have influenced Bole. And the punk, and hardcore and postpank as the genres from which it came out, but also the darker and raw blues and jazz music, experimenting with African and avant-garde rhythms and computer programmed music … make the Tourist a unique phenomenon on the music scene of Belgrade.

Tourists are short and clear. Direct. And the musical journey that leads us is the destination that each listener will want to return. Again. And again. And again…


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