, …Ti si ušla u moj pogled,
u moj pogled k’o u zagrljaj,
pa me nateraš da pričam,
nemam običaj… “
U neposrednoj blizini ulice Zmaj od Noćaja, posvećujemo veče Bajagi ! Idemo gore dole kroz bogatu diskografiju Momčila i njegovih Instruktora, mislimo 300 na sat kada je život siv a kada žut, plešemo na vrhovima prstiju uz muziku na struju, istražujemo šta svemirska policija misli o šarenim pilulama ,da li u ruskom vozu vlada tišina ili udara zvuk sa 220 u voltima, i da li verujete(ili ne verujete) da nam je samo ljubav potrebna…. 😉
Veče Bajage 23.11 Normalno Mesto
A uz sve te čuvene hitove čućemo i još po nešti zanimljivo sa domaće scene: Babe, Idoli, Haustor, Azra, Plejboj, Električni Orgazam, Eva Braun, Piloti, U Škripcu, Bombaj Štampa, Kristali,Jarboli…
Ulaz je besplatan,a rezervacije možete isključivo slati u inbox stranice Normalnog mesta. 😀
P.S. Nećemo puštati Moji su drugovi. Nikako.Evening Bajage 23.11 Normal Place
.. You entered into my view,
in my eyes as if in a hug,
and you make me talk,
I have no custom … “
In the immediate vicinity of Dragon’s Night of Night, we devote evening to Bajagi! We go upstairs through the rich discography of Momcilo and his Instructors, we think 300 for an hour when life is gray and when it’s yellow, dancing at the fingertips with music on the electricity, we investigate what the space police think about colorful pills, whether there is a silence or a blow in the Russian train sound with 220 volts, and do you believe (or do not believe) that we only need love …;)
And besides all these famous hits, we hear even more interesting from the domestic scene: Babe, Idoli, Haustor, Azra, Playboy, Electric Orgasm, Eva Braun, Pilots, In Skripac, Bombay Press, Crystals, Jarboli …
The entry is free, and you can only make reservations in the inbox of the Normal Place. : D
П.С. We will not play My friends. Not at all.