I ovog puta, pružamo tvojim stopalima zabavu na ogromnom podijumu za ples! Razmrdaćeš ih uz razne plesne melodije od latino i standarda, preko karipskih vrelih i senzualnih! Pripremi se za nezaboravnu ŽURKU u Dorćol Platzu❗😃 ♥ 💃 🎶
Mole se svi posetioci da ne unose piće i hranu u klub! Očekuje vas Sjajna Velika Plesna Žurka!
Ulaz – 250 dinara
Uz pokroviteljstvo Dorćol Platza, ovaj plesni događaj omogućio vam je tim Velike Plesne Žurke: Naturally Dance, UV Dance, You Dance, Army Dance i Plesna škola Sokolskog društva „Beograd“ Matica.
Invite your friends, because the Great Dance Party in Dorcol Plats follows!
And this time, we give your feet a party on a huge dance floor! You will unravel them with various dance melodies from Latin and standard, through the Caribbean hot and sensual! Prepare for an unforgettable ŽURKU in Dorcol Platzu❗😃 ♥ 💃 🎶
All visitors are asked not to bring drinks and food to the club! A Great Great Dance Party Expects You!
Entrance – 250 dinars
With the patronage of Dorćol Platz, this dance event was made possible by the team of the Great Dance Parties: Naturally Dance, UV Dance, You Dance, Army Dance and Dance School of Sokolsko društvo „Beograd“ Matica.