VIS Limunada i Beogradski šlageri – detoks 01.01.2018. KC Grad

VIS Limunada i Beogradski šlageri – detoks 01.01.2018. KC Grad
Braće Krsmanović 4, Beograd

Postnovogodišnji koncert 1. januara 2018. u KC Gradu!

Nakon ludorija najluđe noći i izmaglice aftera prvog jutra nove godine, VIS Limunada Vas poziva da se odmorite i okrepite uz elegantne i uzbudljive zvuke šlagera, bita, soula i rokenrola za 21. vek. VIS Limunada će u toploj atmosferi Kulturnog centra Grad, publici predstaviti nekoliko novih i svežih numera, specijalne goste i još iznenađenja. DJ podršku pružaju Beogradski šlageri.

Cena ulaznica je 400 dinara.

VIS Limunada neguje muziku inspirisanu trajnim vrednostima popularne kulture 50-ih i 60-ih godina XX veka, sa posebnim osvrtom na specifičnosti jugoslovenske kulture tog perioda. Okosnica muzičkog i stilskog koncepta VIS-a Limunada je kosmoplitska omladinska kultura izražena muzikom šlagera, rock’n’roll-a, beat-a i soul-a, ovekovečena filmovima poput La Dolce Vita (Italia, 1960) i Ljubav i moda (Jugoslavija, 1961).

Po uzoru na čuveni festival Televizije Sarajevo, Beogradski šlageri drugu godinu zaredom biraju svoj šlager sezone. Kroz igru sa samim pojmom šlagera, napravili smo listu hitova, objavljenih u 2017, koji se uklapaju u našu ideju šmekerske, sentiš, devojačke, duhovite i plesne muzike. Bob Dylan, Curtis Harding, Psi, samo su neka od imena.

Tokom prazničnih dana, ovu listu ćete moći da slušate na RadioAparatu a, nakon što vas novogodišnja groznica malo popusti, dođite u KC Grad da, pored onih standardnih božićnih i ostalih hitova iz svih epoha i svih žanrova, utvrdimo gradivo i uz šlager sezone koja je za nama.

Da nam živi šlager!Post-New Year Eve on January 1, 2018 in KC Grad!

After the craziness of the craziest nights and fog after the first morning of the new year, VIS Limunada invites you to rest and strengthen yourself with the elegant and exciting sounds of puzzles, bits, soullas and rock and rolls for the 21st century. VIS Limunada will present several new and fresh tracks, special guests and more surprises in the warm atmosphere of the Cultural Center Grad. DJ support is provided by Belgrade chanson.

The ticket price is 400 dinars.

VIS Limunada nurtures music inspired by the lasting values ​​of popular culture of the 1950s and 1960s, with a special emphasis on the specificity of the Yugoslav culture of that period. The backbone of the musical and stylistic concept of the VIS. Limunada is a cosmopolitan youth culture expressed in the music of puzzles, rock’n’roll, beat and soul, immortalized by films such as La Dolce Vita (Italia, 1960) and Love and Fashion (Yugoslavia , 1961).

Following the example of the renowned Sarajevo Television Festival, Belgrade Beetles select their champions of the season for the second consecutive year. Through the game with the very notion of the scoop, we have created a list of hits published in 2017, which fit into our idea of ​​squeaking, souvenir, girlfriendly, witty and dance music. Bob Dylan, Curtis Harding, Dogs, are just some of the names.

During the holiday days, you will be able to listen to this list at RadioAparatu, after the New Year’s fever gives you a little discount, come to KC Grad that, in addition to those standard Christmas and other hits from all epochs and genres, we will determine the material and with the whirlpool of the season behind us.

Let the whisperer live!


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