ČETVRTAK 05.04. • VRATA 20:00 • POČETAK 21:00 • UPAD 25 KN
Vesela kornjača/Jolly turtle predstavlja:
Uho za Oko (Ljubljana)
UZO sami sebe opisuju kao Anubiswave, Egyptian space punk, Pyramid rock. Čuje se tu dosta utjecaja darkwavea, psihodelije, industriala. Tekstovi su na engleskom i slovenskom jeziku te su vrlo poetični. Čas vam se čini da ćete odlutati u izmaglici alpsih predjela ili da idete na čašicu razgovora s čovječjom ribicom, a čas vas omalena pjevačica svojim izderavanjem lupa maljem po glavi i navodi da đuskate u ritmu socijalističkih četvrti Ljubljane. Bend nastavlja jednu upečatljivu tradiciju slovenskog alternativnog roka koju su gajili bendovi poput Otroka socijalizma, Borghesie, Laibacha ili pak Marka Brecelja. Bend se prvi put predstavlja hrvatskoj publici, tako da: pejt ga pogledat! (Brane/Anja)!
Fire in Cairo (Zagreb)
Naravno da vam na pamet pada rana faza Curea, ali tu ste se malčice zeznuli. Fire in Cairo nisu zapeli u 70-ima, niti u 80-ima. Mada crpe inspiraciju i iz tog razdoblja, FIC nam nudi jedan suvremen zvuk rock’n’rolla kako ga doživljavaju današnji mladci. Poletno, mjestimično mračno, vrlo vješto izaranžirano i produkcijski vrlo visok proizvod mlade zagrebačke četvorke. Budući da pjevaju na engleskom hoćemo li izreći već dosta puta iskorištenu sintagmu: svjetsko a naše? See your head in the fading light!
Šavovina (Zagreb)
Oni imaju duge kose, oni se drogiraju! Ako ih kojim slučajem niste uhvatili na njihovom touru po Zagrebu, evo vam prave prilike za to. Dopustite da i vas opiju svojim melodijama i ritmovima. Oni plešu između etna, worlda, jazza, rocka i metala s tekstovima o svakodnevici ove kaljuže koju nazivamo život. Što nam je ovoga puta pripremio ovaj zanimljivi trojac ne znamo. Svaki im je koncert posebno iskustvo i uvelike drugačiji od prošlog. Uvjerite se!
Akami (Ljubljana)
Japansko crvenilo? A Camus? Bilo kako bilo, ova egzistencijalistička petorka svojim pjesmama predstavlja jednu otuđenost u kojoj se može pronaći svaki teenager ili student filozofskog. Psihodelija u grungeu, eksperimentalnost i noise nisu im strani ni mrski. Sint lijepo dopunjuje igru basa i gitare, a bubanj svemu tome daje ritam. A što bi na to rekao Camus? Provjerite u Močvari.
Saznaj više o programu Močvare:
www.mochvara.hr/newsletterTHURSDAY 05.04. • DOOR 20:00 • START 21:00 • UPDATE 25 KN
Uho za Oko (Ljubljana)
UZO describes themselves as Anubiswave, Egyptian space punk, Pyramid rock. There is much to be heard about darkwave, psychedelic, industrial. The texts are in English and Slovenian and are very poetic. It seems to you that you go away in the mood of the alpine appetizers or go to the chat room with the human fish, and the time a small singer with his own barking license with a small head on his head, and tells you to slump in the rhythm of the socialist districts of Ljubljana. Bend continues a striking tradition of the Slovenian alternative term, which was banned by bands such as the Otroka of Socialism, Borghesie, Laibach, or Mark Brecel. The band is for the first time presented to the Croatian audience, so: you can see it! (Dams / Anja)!
Fire in Cairo (Zagreb)
Of course, you think of falling early in the Curea phase, but you’ve got a little faded. Fire in Cairo were not stuck in the ’70s or in the’ 80s. Although inspiring in that period, the FIC offers us a contemporary sound of rock’n’roll as experienced by today’s youngsters. Polished, somewhat dark, very skillfully outdated and very high production of a young Zagreb quarter. Because they are singing in English, will we say a lot of the used syntagm: the world and ours? See your head in the fading light!
Šavovina (Zagreb)
They have long hair, they are drugging! If you did not catch them on their Zagreb tour, here are some opportunities for that. Allow yourself to indulge you with your melodies and rhythms. They dance between ethnics, worlds, jazz, rock and metal with texts about the everyday life of this quill which we call life. What we have this time prepared for this interesting trio we do not know. Each concert is a special experience and is much different from the previous one. Make sure!
Akami (Ljubljana)
Japanese redness? A Camus? Anyway, this existentialist five with his songs represents a strangeness in which every teenager or student of philosophy can be found. Psychedelics in grunge, experimentality and noise are not strange to them either. Sint is a nice addition to bass and guitar playing, and drum gives a rhythm to everything. What would Camus say to that? Check in Močvara.
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