Dobrodošli na novogodišnji sajam dizajna, umentina, nakita i ukrasa!
Promenada Beograd
Obožavaš prazničnu atmosferu?
Želiš da podržiš mlade umetnike i razvoj njihovih talenata?
Voliš sve te slatke anđeoske stvari?
Dođi i izaberi jedinstveni poklon za dragu osobu, napravi svoj handmade novogodišnji ukras ili dovedi klince da se kroz crtanje fraktala zabave I razviju svoju kreativnost, i kupovinom ulaznice podrži Svratišta za decu u Beogradu.
Dnevni sajam traje od 10-18h i okuplja 35 dizajnera, kreativaca i umetnika koji su prepoznali svoje jedinstvene talente i odlučili da ih pretoče u originalne proizvode.
Oduvek te privlači tema anđela?
Zanima te kako anđeoski coaching može da ti koristi?
Želiš da naučiš kako da koristiš pomoć Univerzuma na svom putu?
Dođi da čuješ iskustva stručnjaka iz ove oblasti, povežeš se sa svojim anđelima čuvarima, upoznaš ljude sa sličnim interesovanjima i razmeniš iskustva.
Ulaznice u pretprodaji do 1.12.
Sajam – 200 RSD
Panel – 3.000 RSD
Od 1.12. ulaznice za sajam su 300 RSD, a za panel 4.000 RSD.
Gde kupiti ulaznicu:
Jevremova 25, Beograd
Radnim danima od 09:00h – 21:00h
Subotom od 09:00h – 17:00h
Nedeljom od 10:00h-17:00hWelcome to the New Year’s Fair of Design, Umentine, Jewelry and Decoration!
Promenada Belgrade
Do you love the festive atmosphere?
Want to support young artists and develop their talents?
You like all those sweet angelic things?
Come and pick a unique gift for a dear person, make your handmade New Year’s decoration, or bring the kids through the drawing of fractals of fun and develop their creativity, and by purchasing the ticket support the Children’s Shelter in Belgrade.
The daily fair lasts from 10-18h and gathers 35 designers, creators and artists who have recognized their unique talents and decided to turn them into original products.
Has always attracted you to the theme of angels?
I wonder how angel coaching can help you?
You want to learn how to use the help of the Universe on your journey?
Come to hear the experience of experts in this field, connect with your guardian angels, meet people with similar interests and exchange experiences.
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Tickets pre-sale up to 1.12.
Fair – 200 RSD
Panel – 3,000 RSD
From 1.12. tickets for the fair are 300 RSD, and for the panel 4.000 RSD.
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Where to buy a ticket:
Jevremova 25, Belgrade
Working days from 9am – 9pm
Saturday from 09 am – 05 pm
Sunday from 10 am – 05 pm