Dozvoljeno i deci bez pratnje roditelja
Ponavljamo (ne baš celu) priču od prošle zime.
Krećemo lagani uspon iz podnožja Avale (deca od 4 godine uspešno savlađuju) a u pauzama dendroterapija, mini igre, priče iz prirode itd.
Na vrhu tim bilding igre za decu, a ako su raspoloženi i roditelji.
Hranu svako nosi za sebe, s tim da ja nosim roštilj (rešetku) i ćumur, pa shodno tome poneste i nešto što bi mogli da spremite toplo – čitati vruće. Jedan od roditelja, ili više njih, biće zamoljeni da se prihvate uloge roštiljdžija dok budu trajale dečije igre.
Program traje tri časa, ali ovakva druženja obično potraju duže 🙂
Mislim da ne treba napominjati da oblačenje bude adekvatno vremenskim uslovima. Prošle zime smo ovaj mini uspon i roštilj odradili po kiši i snegu. Mnogi su odustali, ali ono malo nas što je ustrajalo u nameri, super se provelo.
Polazak u 11h u podnožju Avale (skretanje za uspon ka Avali-Pinosava). Roditelji čija deca idu sama preuzimaju ih na vrhu Avale (parking) u 14h. Ako žele mogu da nam se pridruže. Dobro su došli.
Utorak 02.01.2018. u 11 h
Zaključno sa petkom 29.12.2017. – 1000 din. po porodici, po detetu bez pratnje roditelja 500 din.
Zaključno sa ponedeljkom 01.01.2018. – 1300 din po porodici, po detetu bez pratnje roditelja 700 din
Na licu mesta – 1500 din po porodici, po detetu bez pratnje roditelja 1000 din
Tekući račun: 265613031000044060 Multi kreativni studio Zoran – Proslediti izveštaj o plaćanju iz e-banking aplikacije, screenshot, fotografiju uplatnice…
Obavezno zakazivanje na telefon/sms/inbox
Zoran 0628842560
Četvrtak 04.01.2018. Escape Room for Kids – Studio
P.S. Prijavite se na mailing listu “MKS Zoran” kako bi direkno dobijali obaveštenja o novim radionicama
Allowed for children without parental care
We repeat (not the whole) story from last winter.
We start a slight rise from the foot of the Avala (children of 4 years successfully successfully) and in breaks of dendrotherapy, mini games, stories from nature, etc.
At the top is team building games for children, and if parents are in the mood.
Everybody carries food for me, with me carrying a barbecue and a tumble, and accordingly, you also do something that you can cook warmly – read hot. One of the parents, or more of them, will be asked to accept the roles of the grandchildren while playing games.
The program lasts three hours, but such gatherings usually last longer 🙂
I do not think it should be noted that dressing is adequate to weather conditions. Last winter, this mini-rise and barbecue were done in the rain and snow. Many gave up, but the little thing that persisted in our intentions, it was great.
Departure at 11 am at the foot of Avala (turning towards the Avali-Pinosava). Parents whose children go alone are taking them to the top of Avala (parking) at 2 pm. If they want to join us. They came very well.
Tuesday January 2, 2018. at 11 am
Closing date on Friday 29.12.2017. – 1000 din. per family, per child unaccompanied by parents 500 din.
Closing date on Monday 01.01.2018. – 1300 dinars per family, per child without parents’ escort 700 din
On the spot – 1500 din. Per family, per child without parents’ escort 1000 din
Current account: 265613031000044060 Multi creative studio Zoran – Submit a payment report from an e-banking application, screenshot, payment slip photo …
Mandatory appointment to phone / sms / inbox
Zoran 0628842560
Thursday January 4, 2018 Escape Room for Kids – Studio
П.С. Sign in to the mailing list „MKS Zoran“ to get directions about new workshops