Od 18. do 20. maja u Beogradu, tj. Štark areni biće održan finalni turnir Evrolige – Final Four 2018, a učesnici su: Real Madrid, CSKA, Fenerbahče i Žalgiris.
Za titulu prvaka boriće se ove četiri najbolje evropske košarkaške ekipe u sezoni 2017/18. Njihove duele pratiće gledaoci u direktnim TV prenosima u skoro svim zemljama sveta.
U prestonicu će tog majskog vikenda doći više od 10.000 turista iz Španije, Rusije, Turske, Litvanije, ali i navijači pomenutih klubova iz drugih zemalja i ljubitelji najbolje evropske košarke.
Final Four 2018 i na Kalemegdanu

Ovo je prvi put da se Final Four Evrolige održava u Beogradu.
Štark arena će za ovu priliku imati potpuno nov vizuelni identitet, a na Beogradskoj tvrđavi će biti postavljene zone za navijače. Na Kalemegdanu su obnovljeni tereni košarkaških klubova Partizan i Crvena zvezda – infrastruktura i tribine.
Dve polufinalne utakmice igraće se 18. maja, a 20. maja na programu je utakmica za treće mesto i finale.
Turnir Final Four 2018 biće 18. po redu od kako ga organizuje Euroleague Basketball. (danubeogradu.rs)
Final Four 2018 – program
Petak, 18. maj
18.00… Fenerbahče – Žalgiris Kaunas
21.00… CSKA Moskva – Real Madrid
Nedelja, 20. maj
17.00… Utakmica za treće mesto
20.00… FinaleFrom 18 to 20 May in Belgrade, Stark areni will be held the final tournament of Euroleague – Final Four 2018, and the participants are: Real Madrid, CSKA, Fenerbahce and Zalgiris.
For the title of the champions, these four best European basketball teams will fight in the 2017/18 season. Their duels will be watched by directors in direct TV broadcasts in almost all countries of the world.
More than 10,000 tourists from Spain, Russia, Turkey, Lithuania, and fans of the aforementioned clubs from other countries and fans of the best European basketball will arrive in the capital this May weekend.
Final Four 2018 and Kalemegdan
Final Four 2018: Basketball courts on Kalemegdan
This is the first time that the Final Four Evrolige will be held in Belgrade.
Stark arena will have a completely new visual identity for this occasion, and fans of the Belgrade Fortress will be set up. At Kalemegdan, the courts of the basketball clubs Partizan and the Red Star – infrastructure and stands have been restored.
Two semi-final matches will be played on May 18, and on May 20, the match will be for the third place and finals.
Final Four Tournament 2018 will be the 18th in a row as organized by Euroleague Basketball. (danube.rs.rs)
Final Four 2018 – program
Friday, May 18th
18.00 … Fenerbahce – Zalgiris Kaunas
21.00 … CSKA Moscow – Real Madrid
Sunday, May 20
17.00 … Third place match
20.00 … Final