1. Svaki tjedan u Caffe-Night Bar „Hir“, od 20:00h
2. Broj članova tima, 2-4 osobe
3. Kviz se satoji od 5 krugova. Četiri kruga u kojima slušamo audio zapise pjesama u trajanju 20-ak sekundi, jedan krug sa 10 pitanja vezanih za glazbu
– Kod pjesme tražimo ime izvođača i naziv pjesme i to one verzije koju smo vam pustili, ime i naziv donose po 1 bod
– Kod pitanja možete osvojiti 3-5 bodova, ovisno o pitanju
4. Slušamo sve vrste glazbe
5. Korištenje mobitela se kažnjava oduzimanjem 10 bodova
6. U slučaju istog broja bodova na prvome mjestu, idemo u pripetavanje od dodatnih 5 audio zapisa
7. Nagrade su simbolične. Runda-dvije za pobjednike 🙂
8. Obvezno morate biti dobro raspoloženi i spremni za zafrkancijuBASIC RULES OF PUB QUIZ
1. Every week at Caffe-Night Bar „Hir“, from 08 pm
2. Number of team members, 2-4 persons
3. The quiz consists of 5 circles. Four circles in which we listen to audio tracks of 20 seconds, one circle with 10 music-related questions
– In the song we ask for the name of the artist and the name of the song, and the ones that we have left you, the name and the name bring by 1 point
– For questions, you can win 3-5 points, depending on the question
4. We listen to all kinds of music
5. Using the cell phone is punished by subtracting 10 points
6. In the case of the same number of points in the first place, we are going to tune in to an additional 5 audio tracks
7. Prizes are symbolic. Round two for winners 🙂
8. You must be in a good mood and ready to be screwed