KALIOPI – UNPLUGGED koncert 25.11. Kolarac
Kaliopi će 25.novembra održati koncert na Kolarcu. Beogradska publika će po prvi put čuti njene najveće hitove u akustičnoj verziji. Ovo će svakakako biti ekskluziva za njene fanove, kao i sve sladokusce dobrog zvuka. Upravo je to i razlog zbog čega je i odabran Kolarac kao koncertni prostor, jer je idealan za ovu vrstu koncerta. Kaliopi je uvek znala da iznenadi, tako da će ovaj koncert biti poseban muzički dožvljaj.
„Beograd ima uvek posebno mesto za sve ono što muzika i život za mene znače. Jedva čekam 25.novembar, jer pripremam jednu od najvećih poslastica za beogradsku publiku, unplugged koncert. Zato sam želela da to podelim sa njima u Kolarcu. Očekuje se hladan novembar, al zato moj „Kofer Ljubavi“ će biti pun topline i snage pesama koje me vode iz grada u grad… Beograde, čekaj me! “ izjavila je uzbuđena Kaliopi.
Dođite da uživate i da čujete hitove Rođeni, Crno i belo, Kofer ljubavi, Vučica, Mrvica i druge u novom ruhu.
Ulaznice su u prodaji u sistemu Eventima: https://goo.gl/RrBxar
kao i na blagajni Kolarca.KALIOPI – UNPLUGGED concert 25.11. Kolarac
On 25th of November, Kaliopi will host a concert in Kolarac. The Belgrade audience will for the first time hear its biggest hits in the acoustic version. This will surely be exclusive to her fans, as well as all the good sounders. That is exactly why Kolarac was chosen as a concert hall as it is ideal for this kind of concert. Kaliopi always knew he was surprised, so that this concert would be a special musical venue.
„Belgrade has always been a special place for everything that music and life mean to me. I can not wait 25 November because I’m preparing one of the biggest treats for the Belgrade audience, an unplugged concert, so I wanted to share it with them in Kolarac. November, and so my „Love Box“ will be full of heat and strength in the songs that lead me from town to city … Beograde, wait for me! „exclaimed Kaliopi.
Come enjoy and hear the hits Born, Black and White, Love Box, Gum, Mrvica and others in the new dress.
Tickets are on sale at the Eventima system: https://goo.gl/RrBxar
as well as on the cashier Kolarca.